❤ Hawaii : 11 units of Modern Php: New Features and Good Practices ☞ 2020

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Modern Php: New Features and Good Practices

Modern Php: New Features and Good Practices

Modern Php: New Features and Good Practices

O Reilly Media

Questions and answers

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5 star 67% 4 star 17% 3 star 9% 2 star 2% 1 star 5%

Excellent ROI. I have been a web dev for almost 20 years and was a "hard-core" PHP guy for some of those years, then didn't touch PHP for over 8 years. PHP grew up while I was off in Python land! In my opinion, Josh Lockhart's Modern PHP is a must-read for any PHP programmer. Sure there are lots of things he could go into deeper, but this book was needed--an excellent overview of almost everything a PHP developer needs to know from installing and config uring PHP and web servers, code style, recommended directory structures, the newer supported object oriented concepts, testing, debugging, profiling, deployments, using Composer, and even a good overview of HHVM and Hack--enough to help you know if you want to dive in more at this time. I will surely be referring to this book to lean on some of Josh's recommendations as I setup new projects. A little additional Josh Lockhart plug--I learned about him when I chose to use his Slim PHP micro framework in my latest project. That project was rolled into production about 90 days ago to very happy customers. I am delighted with Slim. It does the very basic plumbing I'd rather not code and does it very well. Then it stays the heck out of my way so I can write my own PHP to do what I need to do.

Like most coders, the author is just unable to teach/explain it. My biggest issue though is, when I saw the "New Features and Good practices" in small print on the cover, I didn't realize it was going to be a book strictly covering "new features". The title of the book is "Modern PHP" but instead acts as just an addendum. This book is definitely not for beginners or even intermediates. It's more for PHP guru's who have stepped away for a few years and need an update on what's new.

Exce llent ROI. I have been a web dev for almost 20 years and was a "hard-core" PHP guy for some of those years, then didn't touch PHP for over 8 years. PHP grew up while I was off in Python land! In my opinion, Josh Lockhart's Modern PHP is a must-read for any PHP programmer. Sure there are lots of things he could go into deeper, but this book was needed--an excellent overview of almost everything a PHP developer needs to know from installing and configuring PHP and web servers, code style, recommended directory structures, the newer supported object oriented concepts, testing, debugging, profiling, deployments, using Composer, and even a good overview of HHVM and Hack--enough to help you know if you want to dive in more at this time. I will surely be referring to this book to lean on some of Josh's recommendations as I setup new projects. A little additional Josh Lockhart plug--I learned about him when I chose to use his Slim PHP micro framework in my latest project. That project was rolled into production about 90 days ago to very happy customers. I am delighted with Slim. It does the very basic plumbing I'd rather not code and does it very well. Then it stays the heck out of my way so I can write my own PHP to do what I need to do.

Excellent ROI. I have been a web dev for almost 20 years and was a "hard-core" PHP guy for some of those years, then didn't touch PHP for over 8 years. PHP grew up while I was off in Python land! In my opinion, Josh Lockhart's Modern PHP is a must-read for any PHP programmer. Sure there are lots of things he could go into deeper, but this book was needed--an excellent overview of almost everything a PHP developer needs to know from installing and configuring PHP and web servers, code style, re commended directory structures, the newer supported object oriented concepts, testing, debugging, profiling, deployments, using Composer, and even a good overview of HHVM and Hack--enough to help you know if you want to dive in more at this time. I will surely be referring to this book to lean on some of Josh's recommendations as I setup new projects. A little additional Josh Lockhart plug--I learned about him when I chose to use his Slim PHP micro framework in my latest project. That project was rolled into production about 90 days ago to very happy customers. I am delighted with Slim. It does the very basic plumbing I'd rather not code and does it very well. Then it stays the heck out of my way so I can write my own PHP to do what I need to do.

I largely loved this book. I'm a self-taught programmer, and thus I often fall behind new trends and practices. This book opened my eyes to a lot of features and trends I had only heard mention of. Properly using autoload and composer -- as well as how to use traits and interfaces -- really opened my eyes. I also loved that the author is a programmer who is doing actual work in this language NOW. His advice --- and this almost always true of O'Reilly books --- really smacks of someone who practices what they preach. The "Features" chapter and the first "good practices" chapter are worth the price of the whole book. Now there IS something which could be better, and I'm being fussy here: the writing is still too verbose. Still, as in so many technical books are too verbose. The gold standard of "how to be better at your craft" book is "The Elements of Style" by Strunk and White, and that's because of its brevity. Even though that book is about writing, and this book is about code, I think it could be inspired by Strunk/White and cut the amount of explaining way down. I think this about every tech manual I've ever read, I should say. BUT the content is good enough that it more than makes up for it and I've very glad I read it. Teaching myself some Symfony components now so I don't re-invent the wheel on my next application.

I largely loved this book. I'm a self-taught programmer, and thus I often fall behind new trends and practices. This book opened my eyes to a lot of features and trends I had only heard mention of. Properly using autoload and composer -- as well as how to use traits and interfaces -- really opened my eyes. I also loved that the author is a programmer who is doing actual work in this language NOW. His advice --- and this almost always true of O'Reilly books --- really smacks of someone who practices what they preach. The "Features" chapter and the first "good practices" chapter are worth the price of the whole book. Now there IS something which could be better, and I'm being fussy here: the writing is still too verbose. Still, as in so many technical books are too verbose. The gold standard of "how to be better at your craft" book is "The Elements of Style" by Strunk and White, and that's because of its brevity. Even though that book is about writing, and this book is about code, I think it could be inspired by Strunk/White and cut the amount of explaining way down. I think this about every tech manual I've ever read, I should say. BUT the content is good enough that it more than makes up for it and I've very glad I read it. Teaching myself some Symfony components now so I don't re-invent the wheel on my next application.

This book is for Intermediate to Advanced PHP writers. I think beginners would find some value in it, being exposed to some of the more standard practices of PHP, but it might require a second glance once you've actually written some code for a while. I would just like to thank the author for touching a lot of amazing points about modern PHP in a fun and well organized way. It was actually a fun, interesting read from start to finish. I think that it only languished in technical detail when and for as long as it needed to. I went away from PHP around 5.3 and came back months before PHP 7 came on the scene. This book was exactly what I needed to catch up and see what amazing things were happening in PHP and the community. I could see it being a great read, too, if you're fairly familiar with PHP.

This book is for Intermediate to Advanced PHP writers. I think beginners would find some value in it, being exposed to some of the more standard practices of PHP, but it might require a second glance once you've actually written some code for a while. I would just like to thank the author for touching a lot of amazing points about modern PHP in a fun and well organized way. It was actually a fun, interesting read from start to finish. I think that it only languished in technical detail when and for as long as it needed to. I went away from PHP around 5.3 and came back months before PHP 7 came on the scene. This book was exactly what I needed to catch up and see what amazing things were happening in PHP and the community. I could see it being a great read, too, if you're fairly familiar with PHP.

Like most coders, the author is just unable to teach/explain it. My biggest issue though is, when I saw the "New Features and Good practices" in small print on the cover, I didn't realize it was going to be a book strictly covering "new features". The title of the book is "Modern PHP" but instead acts as just an addendum. This book is definitely not for beginners or even intermediates. It's more for PHP guru's who hav e stepped away for a few years and need an update on what's new.

Like most coders, the author is just unable to teach/explain it. My biggest issue though is, when I saw the "New Features and Good practices" in small print on the cover, I didn't realize it was going to be a book strictly covering "new features". The title of the book is "Modern PHP" but instead acts as just an addendum. This book is definitely not for beginners or even intermediates. It's more for PHP guru's who have stepped away for a few years and need an update on what's new.

This reads like someone was trying to write a resume booster and stroke his own ego more than convey any useful information. Contains errors and "best" practices that in some cases aren't even good. There are parts of the book where the author literally says he doesn't have time to explain the subject he's currently writing about. The most egregious crime of this book is a particularly absurd presumption of the author; you're not an expert of any kind. He just says that. You don't know what you're doing, so don't try anything "hard" like regex because it's too complicated and nobody understands it. I'm not kidding, that's a literal example. Author is an arrogant tool, technical (especially security) details are just wrong in several places, etc. You won't regret having passed this one up.

This reads like someone was trying to write a resume booster and stroke his own ego more than convey any useful information. Contains errors and "best" practices that in some cases aren't even good. There are parts of the book where the author literally says he doesn't have time to explain the subject he's currently writing about. The most egregious crime of this book is a particularly absurd presumption of the author; you're not an expert of any kind. He just says that. You don't know what you're doing, so don't try anything "hard" like regex because it's too complicated and nobody understands it. I'm not kidding, that's a literal example. Author is an arrogant tool, technical (especially security) details are just wrong in several places, etc. You won't regret having passed this one up.

I'm a senior developer and used a lot of PHP on websites 10 years ago. Getting back to it and wanted to know what had changed in features, development environments, debugging. I'm a hard critic, but this book was excellent. It's not very thick but it has great info on changes and excellent advice. ONE NOTE - this is not a PHP syntax book, it already assumes you are pretty familiar with the language.

I'm a senior developer and used a lot of PHP on websites 10 years ago. Getting back to it and wanted to know what had changed in features, development environments, debugging. I'm a hard critic, but this book was excellent. It's not very thick but it has great info on changes and excellent advice. ONE NOTE - this is not a PHP syntax book, it already assumes you are pretty familiar with the language.

A shining example of all the practices I needed to master if I truly wanted to be a great developer. From real-world object oriented design principles, to everything else you need to release functional, reusable, maintainable code out into the wild. It didn’t necessarily go into all of the depth I would need to master a particular topic, but more than enough to get me up and running, and suggestions for additional resources.

A shining example of all the practices I needed to master if I truly wanted to be a great developer. From real-world object oriented design principles, to everything else you need to release functional, reusable, maintainable code out into the wild. It didn’t necessarily go into all of the depth I would need to master a particular topic, but more than enough to get me up and running, and suggestions for additional resources.

Pretty new to object PHP, though I had done a bunch of procedural stuff in the past. But after getting this book and reading just the first half, I all of a sudden feel like I have a MUCH better understanding of PHP than I ever did before. HIGHLY recommend, as long as you know the basics, this can get you thinking and operating at a somewhat higher level in no time at all. I've always thought great things about O'Reilly books, but I'll be looking for other books by Josh Lockhart as well...

Pretty new to object PHP, though I had done a bunch of procedural stuff in the past. But after getting this book and reading just the first half, I all of a sudden feel like I have a MUCH better understanding of PHP than I ever did before. HIGHLY recommend, as long as you know the basics, this can get you thinking and operating at a somewhat higher level in no time at all. I've always thought great things about O'Rei lly books, but I'll be looking for other books by Josh Lockhart as well...

Was pleasantly surprised by the ease of read and the amount of insight offered. I work programming in PHP as a freelancer, most of my knowledge is self-thought so there's always been a few holes and gaps, things that I knew about but didn't quite understand. Now chapter after chapter has been an 'aha!' moment. It has really turned into a roadmap on what PHP is to me and thinks I should try to do. Great read.

Was pleasantly surprised by the ease of read and the amount of insight offered. I work programming in PHP as a freelancer, most of my knowledge is self-thought so there's always been a few holes and gaps, things that I knew about but didn't quite understand. Now chapter after chapter has been an 'aha!' moment. It has really turned into a roadmap on what PHP is to me and thinks I should try to do. Great read.

More than an impersonal bulleted list of PHP guidelines this book is the author opinions of many advanced topics, best practices, and dev ops tips for deploying and improve a PHP application. Definitely is not an PHP beginner book; one thing though is that as of 2016 PHP7 is already out and not much is discussed here except for the comparison to HHVM.

More than an impersonal bulleted list of PHP guidelines this book is the author opinions of many advanced topics, best practices, and dev ops tips for deploying and improve a PHP application. Definitely is not an PHP beginner book; one thing though is that as of 2016 PHP7 is already out and not much is discussed here except for the comparison to HHVM.

𠂾nglish Choose a language for shopping. $ USD - U.S. Dollar ​ United States Choose a country/region for shopping.

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