Georgia : ➫ 9 units of PHP in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference - and - Mastering Regular Expressions ★ 2020

Mike Amazon Reply June 20, 2020

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5 star 40% 4 star 13% 3 star 28% 2 star 19% 1 star 0% (0%) 0%

I bought this book to lead me into my first foray into PHP. It was just what I needed, except for one problem: the index. Basic PHP functions such as "print" and "echo" are covered in the text, but you won't find them in the index. The data type "mixed" is used in the code examples, but isn't explained anywhere that I could find, and also lacks an index entry. As others have remarked, there are a few errors in the text, but they're pretty obvious and didn't get in the way of writing workable scripts. An excellent introduction to PHP, but a number of needless annoyances.

Regarding the Oct 2005 - First edition. I sure hope O'Reilly hires a better proof-reader, and re-issues this book with some basic corrections, and 100% more attention to the index problems. I think the author did a poor job. A dedicated proofreader should have caught all the errors I have listed. I am only 20% through this book. At this point, this author has built zero confidence in the accuracy of anything he has to present in the rest of the book. I will now proceed to prove where my 'poor' evaluation comes from. (My background: 25 years of programming, including skills with various machine languages, assembly languages, Fortran, Pascal, PL/1, C, C++, Java, PHP, and Regular Expressions. ) Stated by the author: "This book assumes you are familiar with variables, lops, and other basic programming concepts [period]." This is incorrect, as other reviewers have noted. The author quickly drifts into examples of arrays, objects, advanced operators, etc. with no explanation, or even a reference to the section of the book that covers these new concepts. Starting with "The PHP Language" section, I am finding an error or obvious omission, on an average of every three pages. This book has been poorly proof-read, and should not have made it past the publisher in this form. I expect far more accurate text that this, for an O'Reilly publication. As for the six people whom the author lists as standing out particularly, with regards to contributing corrections, improvements, and comments . . . I couldn't imagine how bad this work would be without their efforts. Page 32: Using complex data forms and concepts in examples, without providing page references. Here, arrays are introduced. Would it be so hard to add a footnote "See the extensive Arrays section, starting on page 61."? page 32: Same comment, applied to 'Objects' Page 32: Same comment, applied to the '->' object operator. ( Page 132: "use the special -> operator". Other PHP documentation calls this the 'object operator', but this author does not use this literal phrase. There is also no index entry for this phrase, or any reference to it under 'operator' or 'object'. ) Page 42: 'Returning by Reference'. This obscure concept really needs an explanation of what is happening in the 5-line example. According to the 'Variable Scope' explanation (ten pages later), the variable in this function is local, and is therefore not reference-able outside the function. Yet the description of "Returning by Reference' indicate that the value of the variable is accessible. Page 45: Introducing the capability of the GLOBALS array, with no caveats, for the purpose of overriding scope. Ten pages later, in a different topic (Superglobals), we find the warning: "two superglobals that you should avoid ... $GLOBALS...". The warning should be on page 45, where you first start describing this superglobal. Again, has this author never heard of the literary construct called a footnote? Page 51: In an example, '(int)' is used to typecast a bool into an integer. At the top of the next page, the typecast operation is written in another example as '(integer)'. If both syntaxes are supported, this sure would be a good place to note that. Page 64: In the example, function_load_member. A $ID parameter is passed, but not used. Probably the "Bob" literal should be $ID. Page 64: Same code example as above. This two line function has one assignment, and one return statement ('return true;'). The calling code evaluates the completion of this function as if there are multiple methods of return; i.e. true or false. The text ahead of his example loosely implies that if the function was not 'successful' (whatever that means), the returned boolean will be 'false'. Page 66: Array_intersect() with multiple arrays parameters. There is no indication if this is an AND or an OR operation, with multiple secondary arrays. That is, will an array1 entry be returned if it is in array2 *OR* array3, or must it be in array2 *AND* array3? - - - One thing the author did get correct is in his list of web-sites. The TOP entry is [...] , and it consistently clears up the errors the author makes. I recommend it.

Regarding the Oct 2005 - First edition. I sure hope O'Reilly hires a better proof-reader, and re-issues this book with some basic corrections, and 100% more attention to the index problems. I think the author did a poor job. A dedicated proofreader should have caught all the errors I have listed. I am only 20% through this book. At this point, this author has built zero confidence in the accuracy of anything he has to present in the rest of the book. I will now proceed to prove where my 'poor' evaluation comes from. (My background: 25 years of programming, including skills with various machine languages, assembly languages, Fortran, Pascal, PL/1, C, C++, Java, PHP, and Regular Expressions. ) Stated by the author: "This book assumes you are familiar with variables, lops, and other basic programming concepts [period]." This is incorrect, as other reviewers have noted. The author quickly drifts into examples of arrays, objects, advanced operators, etc. with no explanation, or even a reference to the section of the book that covers these new concepts. Starting with "The PHP Language" section, I am finding an error or obvious omission, on an average of every three pages. This book has been poorly proof-read, and should not have made it past the publisher in this form. I expect far more accurate text that this, for an O'Reilly publication. As for the six people whom the author lists as standing out particularly, with regards to contributing corrections, improvements, and comments . . . I couldn't imagine how bad this work would be without their efforts. Page 32: Using complex data forms and concepts in examples, without providing page references. Here, arrays are introduced. Would it be so hard to add a footnote "See the extensive Arrays section, starting on page 61."? page 32: Same comment, applied to 'Objects' Page 32: Same comment, applied to the '->' object operator. ( Page 132: "use the special -> operator". Other PHP documentation calls this the 'object operator', but this author does not use this literal phrase. There is also no index entry for this phrase, or any reference to it under 'operator' or 'object'. ) Page 42: 'Returning by Reference'. This obscure concept really needs an explanation of what is happening in the 5-line example. According to the 'Variable Scope' explanation (ten pages later), the variable in this function is local, and is therefore not reference-able outside the function. Yet the description of "Returning by Reference' indicate that the value of the variable is accessible. Page 45: Introducing the capability of the GLOBALS array, with no caveats, for the purpose of overriding scope. Ten pages later, in a different topic (Superglobals), we find the warning: "two superglobals that you should avoid ... $GLOBALS...". The warning should be on page 45, where you first start describing this superglobal. Again, has this author never heard of the literary construct called a footnote? Page 51: In an example, '(int)' is used to typecast a bool into an integer. At the top of the next page, the typecast operation is written in another example as '(integer)'. If both syntaxes are supported, this sure would be a good place to note that. Page 64: In the example, function_load_member. A $ID parameter is passed, but not used. Probably the "Bob" literal should be $ID. Page 64: Same code example as above. This two line function has one assignment, and one return statement ('return true;'). The calling code evaluates the completion of this function as if there are multiple methods of return; i.e. true or false. The text ahead of his example loosely implies that if the function was not 'successful' (whatever that means), the returned boolean will be 'false'. Page 66: Array_intersect() with multiple arrays parameters. There is no indication if this is an AND or an OR operation, with multiple secondary arrays. That is, will an array1 entry be returned if it is in array2 *OR* array3, or must it be in array2 *AND* array3? - - - One thing the author did get correct is in his list of web-sites. The TOP entry is [...] , and it consistently clears up the errors the author makes. I recommend it.

Regarding the Oct 2005 - First edition. I sure hope O'Reilly hires a better proof-reader, and re-issues this book with some basic corrections, and 100% more attention to the index problems. I think the author did a poor job. A dedicated proofreader should have caught all the errors I have listed. I am only 20% through this book. At this point, this author has built zero confidence in the accuracy of anything he has to present in the rest of the book. I will now proceed to prove where my 'poor' evaluation comes from. (My background: 25 years of programming, including skills with various machine languages, assembly languages, Fortran, Pascal, PL/1, C, C++, Java, PHP, and Regular Expressions. ) Stated by the author: "This book assumes you are familiar with variables, lops, and other basic programming concepts [period]." This is incorrect, as other reviewers have noted. The author quickly drifts into examples of arrays, objects, advanced operators, etc. with no explanation, or even a reference to the section of the book that covers these new concepts. Starting with "The PHP Language" section, I am finding an error or obvious omission, on an average of every three pages. This book has been poorly proof-read, and should not have made it past the publisher in this form. I expect far more accurate text that this, for an O'Reilly publication. As for the six people whom the author lists as standing out particularly, with regards to contributing corrections, improvements, and comments . . . I couldn't imagine how bad this work would be without their efforts. Page 32: Using complex data forms and concepts in examples, without providing page references. Here, arrays are introduced. Would it be so hard to add a footnote "See the extensive Arrays section, starting on page 61."? page 32: Same comment, applied to 'Objects' Page 32: Same comment, applied to the '->' object operator. ( Page 132: "use the special -> operator". Other PHP documentation calls this the 'object operator', but this author does not use this literal phrase. There is also no index entry for this phrase, or any reference to it under 'operator' or 'object'. ) Page 42: 'Returning by Reference'. This obscure concept really needs an explanation of what is happening in the 5-line example. According to the 'Variable Scope' explanation (ten pages later), the variable in this function is local, and is therefore not reference-able outside the function. Yet the description of "Returning by Reference' indicate that the value of the variable is accessible. Page 45: Introducing the capability of the GLOBALS array, with no caveats, for the purpose of overriding scope. Ten pages later, in a different topic (Superglobals), we find the warning: "two superglobals that you should avoid ... $GLOBALS...". The warning should be on page 45, where you first start describing this superglobal. Again, has this author never heard of the literary construct called a footnote? Page 51: In an example, '(int)' is used to typecast a bool into an integer. At the top of the next page, the typecast operation is written in another example as '(integer)'. If both syntaxes are supported, this sure would be a good place to note that. Page 64: In the example, function_load_member. A $ID parameter is passed, but not used. Probably the "Bob" literal should be $ID. Page 64: Same code example as above. This two line function has one assignment, and one return statement ('return true;'). The calling code evaluates the completion of this function as if there are multiple methods of return; i.e. true or false. The text ahead of his example loosely implies that if the function was not 'successful' (whatever that means), the returned boolean will be 'false'. Page 66: Array_intersect() with multiple arrays parameters. There is no indication if this is an AND or an OR operation, with multiple secondary arrays. That is, will an array1 entry be returned if it is in array2 *OR* array3, or must it be in array2 *AND* array3? - - - One thing the author did get correct is in his list of web-sites. The TOP entry is [...] , and it consistently clears up the errors the author makes. I recommend it.

First, this is NOT a desktop reference. You would have a hard time finding a specific command quickly as everything is presented as a series of tutorials with similar commands buried within.

I bought this book to lead me into my first foray into PHP. It was just what I needed, except for one problem: the index. Basic PHP functions such as "print" and "echo" are covered in the text, but you won't find them in the index. The data type "mixed" is used in the code examples, but isn't explained anywhere that I could find, and also lacks an index entry. As others have remarked, there are a few errors in the text, but they're pretty obvious and didn't get in the way of writing workable script s. An excellent introduction to PHP, but a number of needless annoyances.

I bought this book to lead me into my first foray into PHP. It was just what I needed, except for one problem: the index. Basic PHP functions such as "print" and "echo" are covered in the text, but you won't find them in the index. The data type "mixed" is used in the code examples, but isn't explained anywhere that I could find, and also lacks an index entry. As others have remarked, there are a few errors in the text, but they're pretty obvious and didn't get in the way of writing workable scripts. An excellent introduction to PHP, but a number of needless annoyances.

I have been programming in PHP for about 5 years now. I was looking for a printed reference to the language, essentially a dictionary for PHP, and decided to buy this. Although it documents some functions well, it does not docum ent them all - for example it does not mention the htmlspecialchars function anywhere in the book. Another bad point that I noticed is that it feels very much like the first version, which it is, and has typos; even typos in the documentation of core functions like labeling htmlentities as "html_entities" (real function does not have an underscore). My recommendation would be to find something else, or wait until they publish the 2nd edition.

I have been programming in PHP for about 5 years now. I was looking for a printed reference to the language, essentially a dictionary for PHP, and decided to buy this. Although it documents some functions well, it does not document them all - for example it does not mention the htmlspecialchars function anywhere in the book. Another bad point that I noticed is that it feels very much like the first version, which it is, and has typos; even typos in the documentation of core functions like labeling htmlentities as "html_entities" (real function does not have an underscore). My recommendation would be to find something else, or wait until they publish the 2nd edition.

This book is very informative in my opinion O'Reilly 's collection of In a Nutshell series for any programming language seems to be well written the details on how to work with this language are not construed I believe one would find this book informative and helpful...

This book is very informative in my opinion O'Reilly 's collection of In a Nutshell series for any programming language seems to be well written the details on how to work with this language are not construed I believe one would find this book informative and helpful...

When I purchase a Nutshell book from O'reilly, I anticipate a very formal, detailed overview of a language and an in-depth coverage of th at language's standardized libraries and features. PHP in a Nutshell is very lax with informal explainations and coverage. I am not saying that the book lacks information; it just lacks the typical detail of a usual Nutshell book. This book also has simple errors that should have been caught if the author had reviewed his own work; this is simply unexceptable. I, today, counted over 4 simple mistakes on the chapter about operators. This is something unheard of from O'reilly. I have been programming with PHP for a while now and was hoping to find a definitive reference ... well, this isn't it!

When I purchase a Nutshell book from O'reilly, I anticipate a very formal, detailed overview of a language and an in-depth coverage of that language's standardized libraries and features. PHP in a Nutshell is very lax with informal explainations and coverage. I am not saying that the book lacks information; it just lacks the typical detail of a usual Nutshell book. This book also has si mple errors that should have been caught if the author had reviewed his own work; this is simply unexceptable. I, today, counted over 4 simple mistakes on the chapter about operators. This is something unheard of from O'reilly. I have been programming with PHP for a while now and was hoping to find a definitive reference ... well, this isn't it!

Doesn't waste my time with how to run an editor and doesn't assume I know too much, either. The examples are concise. This book works well as a handbook and as a text. Highly recommended!

It is a bit more difficult to find what you want in the index than absolutely desired, but it is also the price we pay for a low-cost, desktop reference. I too am relatively new to PHP. I've dabbled a bit with it over the past few years, but recently started to write my first "major" web-centric application using it and MySQL. I can definitely say that PHP In A Nutshell has not let me down! I've been avoiding learning "yet another programming language," but PHP In A Nutshell has given me the ability to jump into it without needlessly wasting my time. The author's writing style is very easy to embrace, which makes reading this book a breeze. The author clearly knows PHP very well and provides many, many resourceful nuggets of experience in the paragraphical excursion through this insightful book. It "reads" well and "references" well-enough. While this book may not be the best tutorial for a total newcomer to programming languages, for anyone with experience in any modern programming language, it should be very easily read and received. How much of this is the writer's style versus O'Reilly's "common sense in book layout?" I'm not sure, but the two blend together well to make a fine wine in PHP In A Nutshell. The section on databases is well worth the asking price, but I found way more than that to be of real, immediate value to my "emerging" PHP skills. However, perhaps like the other reviewer, I'd like to have a nice little appendix that contrasts the "C" or "Java" way of doing something to the PHP way of doing it as an added benefit that would negate the need for a massive index. Indexing is nearly a lost art today, it seems...only library sciences majors seem to know the first thing about it while the rest of us rely on our word processing software and some manual hacking of its results. Don't let this "semi-rant" deter you from finding the real value in this book, which is still exceptionally useful but may mean a bit more reading. At least it flys by quickly and enjoyably due to the entire team involved in its production. While the section on Manipulating Images is really fantastic for content, somehow the "smooth, blue gradient" looses its luster when reduced to gray scale. Yeah, I realize that something has to bite the bullet to be competitive in today's market, but blue skies in grayscale? Oh well, the book is still very excellent and useful. It is the first thing I reach for when I need PHP help. Perhaps someone with hardcore PHP experience may point out flaws that I'd miss, but for a programmer getting going in PHP, I've found it to be a massive, a light and easy way, help!

It is a bit more difficult to find what you want in the index than absolutely desired, but it is also the price we pay for a low-cost, desktop reference. I too am relatively new to PHP. I've dabbled a bit with it over the past few years, but recently started to write my first "major" web-centric application using it and MySQL. I can definitely say that PHP In A Nutshell has not let me down! I've been avoiding learning "yet another programming language," but PHP In A Nutshell has given me the ability to jump into it without needlessly wasting my time. The author's writing style is very easy to embrace, which makes reading this book a breeze. The author clearly knows PHP very well and provides many, many resourceful nuggets of experience in the paragraphical excursion through this insightful book. It "reads" well and "references" well-enough. While this book may not be the best tutorial for a total newcomer to programming languages, for anyone with experience in any modern programming language, it should be very easily read and received. How much of this is the writer's style versus O'Reilly's "common sense in book layout?" I'm not sure, but the two blend together well to make a fine wine in PHP In A Nutshell. The section on databases is well worth the asking price, but I found way more than that to be of real, immediate value to my "emerging" PHP skills. However, perhaps like the other reviewer, I'd like to have a nice little appendix that contrasts the "C" or "Java" way of doing something to the PHP way of doing it as an added benefit that would negate the need for a massive index. Indexing is nearly a lost art today, it seems...only library sciences majors seem to know the first thing about it while the rest of us rely on our word processing software and some manual hacking of its results. Don't let this "semi-rant" deter you from finding the real value in this book, which is still exceptionally useful but may mean a bit more reading. At least it flys by quickly and enjoyably due to the entire team involved in its production. While the section on Manipulating Images is really fantastic for content, somehow the "smooth, blue gradient" looses its luster when reduced to gray scale. Yeah, I realize that something has to bite the bullet to be competitive in today's market, but blue skies in grayscale? Oh well, the book is still very excellent and useful. It is the first thing I reach for when I need PHP help. Perhaps someone with hardcore PHP experience may point out flaws that I'd miss, but for a programmer getting going in PHP, I've found it to be a massive, a light and easy way, help!

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    PHP in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference

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