❤ The best Regular Expression Pocket Reference: Regular Expressions for Perl, Ruby, PHP, Python, C, Java and .NET (Pocket Reference (O'Reilly)) ☞ 2019
Regular Expression Pocket Reference: Regular Expressions for Perl, Ruby, PHP, Python, C, Java and .NET (Pocket Reference (O'Reilly)) 2019
There are also other versions that may interest you - Regular Expression Pocket Reference: Regular Expressions for Perl, Ruby, PHP, Python, C, Java and .NET (Pocket Reference (O'Reilly)) 2019
- PHP Pemberi Harapan Palsu (Re-Mastered) 2019
- PHP: The Good Parts: Delivering the Best of PHP 2019
- PHP & MySQL For Dummies, 4th Edition 2019
- Head First PHP & MySQL: A Brain-Friendly Guide 2019
- PHP 2019
- A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms: Level Up Your Core Programming Skills 2019
- Head First SQL: Your Brain on SQL -- A Learner's Guide 2019
- C++ How to Program (10th Edition) 2019
- Regular Expression Pocket Reference: Regular Expressions for Perl, Ruby, PHP, Python, C, Java and .NET (Pocket Reference (O'Reilly)) Used Book in Good Condition
This handy little book offers programmers a complete overview of the syntax and semantics of regular expressions that are at the heart of every text-processing application. Ideal as a quick reference, Regular Expression Pocket Reference covers the regular expression APIs for Perl 5.8, Ruby (including some upcoming 1.9 features), Java, PHP, .NET and C#, Python, vi, JavaScript, and the PCRE regular expression libraries.
This concise and easy-to-use reference puts a very powerful tool for manipulating text and data right at your fingertips. Composed of a mixture of symbols and text, regular expressions can be an outlet for creativity, for brilliant programming, and for the elegant solution. Regular Expression Pocket Reference offers an introduction to regular expressions, pattern matching, metacharacters, modes and constructs, and then provides separate sections for each of the language APIs, with complete regex listings including:
- Supported metacharacters for each language API
- Regular expression classes and interfaces for Ruby, Java, .NET, and C#
- Regular expression operators for Perl 5.8
- Regular expression module objects and functions for Python
- Pattern-matching functions for PHP and the vi editor
- Pattern-matching methods and objects for JavaScript
- Unicode Support for each of the languages
With plenty of examples and other resources, Regular Expression Pocket Reference summarizes the complex rules for performing this critical text-processing function, and presents this often-confusing topic in a friendly and well-organized format. This guide makes an ideal on-the-job companion.
Contact seller - PHP Pemberi Harapan Palsu (Re-Mastered)
Contact seller - PHP: The Good Parts: Delivering the Best of PHP
Get past all the hype about PHP and dig into the real power of this language. This book explores the most useful features of PHP and how they can speed up the web development process, and explains why the most commonly used PHP elements are often misused or misapplied. You'll learn which parts add strength to object-oriented programming, and how to use certain features to integrate your application with databases.
Written by a longtime member of the PHP community, PHP: The Good Parts is ideal for new PHP programmers, as well as web developers switching from other languages.
- Become familiar with PHP's basic syntax, variables, and datatypes
- Learn how to integrate the language with web pages
- Understand how to use strings, arrays, and PHP's built-in functions
- Discover the advantages of using PHP as an object-oriented language
- Explore how PHP interacts with databases, such as SQLite and MySQL
- Learn input- and output-h andling best practices to prevent security breaches
Contact seller - PHP & MySQL For Dummies, 4th Edition Here's what Web designers need to know to create dynamic, database-driven Web sites
To be on the cutting edge, Web sites need to serve up HTML, CSS, and products specific to the needs of different customers using different browsers. An effective e-commerce site gathers information about users and provides information they need to get the desired result.
PHP scripting language with a MySQL back-end database offers an effective way to design sites that meet these requirements. This full updated 4th Edition of PHP & MySQL For Dummies gets you quickly up to speed, even if your experience is limited.
- Explains the easy way to install and set up PHP and MySQL using XAMPP, so it works the same on Linux, Mac, and Windows
- Shows you how to secure files on a Web host and how to write secure code
- Packed with useful and understandable code examples for Web site creator s who are not professional programmers
- Fully updated to ensure your code will be compliant based on PHP 5.3 and MySQL 5.1.31
- Provides clear, accurate code examples
PHP & MySQL For Dummies, 4th Edition provides what you need to know to create sites that get results.
Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Contact seller - Head First PHP & MySQL: A Brain-Friendly Guide O Reilly Media
If you're ready to create web pages more complex than those you can build with HTML and CSS, Head First PHP & MySQL is the ultimate learning guide to building dynamic, database-driven websites using PHP and MySQL. Packed with real-world examples, this book teaches you all the essentials of server-side programming, from the fundamentals of PHP and MySQL coding to advanced topics such as form validation, session IDs, cookies, database queries and joins, file I/O operations, content management, and more.
Head First PHP & MySQL offers the same visually rich format that's turned every title in the Head First series into a bestseller, with plenty of exercises, quizzes, puzzles, and other interactive features to help you retain what you've learned.
- Use PHP to transform static HTML pages into dynamic web sites
- Create and populate your own MySQL database table s, and work with data stored in files
- Perform sophisticated MySQL queries with joins, and refine your results with LIMIT and ORDER BY
- Use cookies and sessions to track visitors' login information and personalize the site for users
- Protect your data from SQL injection attacks
- Use regular expressions to validate information on forms
- Dynamically display text based on session info and create images on the fly
- Pull syndicated data from other sites using PHP and XML
Throughout the book, you'll build sophisticated examples -- including a mailing list, a job board, and an online dating site -- to help you learn how to harness the power of PHP and MySQL in a variety of contexts. If you're ready to build a truly dynamic website, Head First PHP & MySQL is the ideal way to get going.
Contact seller - PHP
Contact seller - A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms: Level Up Your Core Programming Skills
Algorithms and data structures are much more than abstract concepts. Mastering them enables you to write code that runs faster and more efficiently, which is particularly important for today's web and mobile apps. This book takes a practical approach to data structures and algorithms, with techniques and real-world scenarios that you can use in your daily production code. Graphics and examples make these computer science concepts understandable and relevant. You can use these techniques with any language; examples in the book are in JavaScript, Python, and Ruby.
Use Big O notation, the primary tool for evaluating algorithms, to measure and articulate the efficiency of your code, and modify your algorithm to make it faster. Find out how your choice of arrays, linked lists, and hash tables can dramatically affect the code you write. Use recursion to solve tricky problems and create algorithms that run exponentially faster than the alternatives. Dig into advanced data structures such as binary trees and graphs to help scale specialized applications such as social networks and mapping software. You'll even encounter a single keyword that can give your code a turbo boost. Jay Wengrow brings to this book the key teaching practices he developed as a web development bootcamp founder and educator.
Use these techniques today to make your code faster and more scalable.
Contact seller - Head First SQL: Your Brain on SQL -- A Learner's Guide O Reilly Media
Is your data dragging you down? Are your tables all tangled up? Well we've got the tools to teach you just how to wrangle your databases into submission. Using the latest research in neurobiology, cognitive science, and learning theory to craft a multi-sensory SQL learning experience, Head First SQL has a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works, not a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep.
Maybe you've written some simple SQL queries to interact with databases. But now you want more, you want to really dig into those databases and work with your data. Head First SQL will show you the fundamentals of SQL and how to really take advantage of it. We'll take you on a journey through the language, from basic INSERT statements and SELECT queries to hardcore database manipulation with indices, joins, and transactions. We all know "Data is Power" - but we'll show you how to have "Power over your Data". Expect to have fun, expect to learn, and expect to be querying, normalizing, and joining your data like a pro by the time you're finished reading!
Contact seller - C++ How to Program (10th Edition) C++ How to Program presents leading-edge computing technologies in a friendly manner appropriate for introductory college course sequences, based on the curriculum recommendations of two key professional organizations–the ACM and the IEEE.
The best-selling C++ How to Program is accessible to readers with little or no programming experience, yet comprehensive enough for the professional programmer. The Deitels' signature live-code approach presents the concepts in the context of full working programs followed by sample executions. The early objects approach gets readers thinking about objects immediately–allowing them to more thoroughly master the concepts. Emphasis is placed on achieving program clarity and building well-engineered software. Interesting, entertaining, and challenging exercises encourage students to make a difference and use computers and the Internet to work on problems. To keep readers up-to-date with le ading-edge computing technologies, the Tenth Edition conforms to the C++11 standard and the new C++14 standard.
Also available with MyLab Programming
This title is also available with MyLab ™ Programming—an online learning system designed to engage students and improve results. MyLab Programming consists of a set of programming exercises correlated to the programming concepts in this book. Through hundreds of practice problems, the system automatically detects errors in the logic and syntax of their code submissions and offers targeted hints that enable students to figure out what went wrong–and why. MyLab Programming improves the programming competence of beginning students who often struggle with the basic concepts and paradigms of popular high-level programming languages. For instructors, a comprehensive gradebook tracks correct and incorrect answers and stores the code inputted by students for review.
Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Programming does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Programming, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab Programming, search for:
0134583000 / 9780134583006 C++ How to Program Plus MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 10/e
Package consists of:
- 0134448987 / 9780134448985 MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Code Card -- for C++ How to Program (Early Objects Version)
- 0134448235 / 9780134448237 C++ How to P rogram
Contact seller
php'a 0__ - Buscar con Google ×Haz clic aquí si no vuelves a acceder en pocos segundos. Todos ImágenesNoticiasVideos Maps Shopping Libros Herramientas de búsqueda Cualquier idioma Cualquier idiomaBuscar páginas en EspañolDe cualquier fecha De cualquier fecha Última hora Últimas 24 horas Última semana Último mes Último añoTodos los resultados Todos los resultadosPalabra por palabraLo básico - Manual - PHP php.net › manual › language.oop5.basic.phpA partir de PHP 7.0.0, la llamada estática a un método no estático desde un contexto ..... public function __construct($xCoord=0, $yCoord=0, $zCoord=0)Arrays - Manual - PHP php.net › manual › language.types.array.phpAgregar un elemento (note que la nueva clave es 5, en lugar de 0). ...... Please note that adding the magic __toString() method to your objects will not allow you ...Conceptos básicos - Manual - PHPphp.net › manual › language.variables.basics.php$b = 0; // isset ($b) returns true (or more accurately '1') .... instance's methods nor it automatically returns $this from the __construct()or, like often being described ...Cadenas de caracteres (Strings) - Manual - PHP .php.net › manual › language.types.string.phpPHP 5.3.0 también introdujo la posibilidad de entrecomillar el identificador ..... A partir de PHP 5, se puede emplear el método __toString cuando sea relevante.include - Manual - PHP .php.net › manual › function.include.php<?php echo 'Directory of the current calling script: ' . __DIR__; echo '<br />'; .... Suppose, we have a server A with Linux and PHP 4.3.0 or greater installed which ...Listado de ejemplos - Manual - PHP .php.net › manual › indexes.examples.phpExample#0 - Un ejemplo introductorio · Example#1 - Nuestro primer script de PHP: hola. .... Example#245 - Sobrecarga de métodos mediante los métodos __ call() and ...... Example#1282 - Vinculando variables PHP a sentencias preparadas ...Constantes predefinidas - Manual - PHP .php.net › manual › language.constants.predefined.phpPor ejemplo, el valor de __LINE__ depende de la línea en que se use en el script. ... 5.3.0, Se añadieron las constantes __DIR__ y __NAMESPACE__.Métodos mágicos - Manual - PHP .php.net › manual › language.oop5.magic.phpSe recomienda que no utilice los nombres de métodos con __ en PHP a menos ... Antes de PHP 5.2.0 el método __toString() se llama sólo cuando se combina ...Funciones variables - Manual - PHP .php.net › manual › functions.variable-functions.phpA partir de PHP 5.4.0, se puede llamar a cualquier callable almacenado en una variable. Ejemplo #4 Llamables .... function __construct() { $this->a = array('self', ...Devolver valores - Manual - PHP .php.net › manual › functions.returning-values.phpreturn array (0, 1, 2); ... the type integer, float returned in - on line 5 in -:5 Stack trace: #0 -(9): sum(1, 2.5 ) #1 {main} thrown in - on line 5 ..... function __construct() Siguiente > Iniciar sesiónPreferenciasPrivacidadCondiciones
This handy little book offers programmers a complete overview of the syntax and semantics of regular expressions that are at the heart of every text-processing application. Ideal as a quick reference, Regular Expression Pocket Reference covers the regular expression APIs for Perl 5.8, Ruby (including some upcoming 1.9 features), Java, PHP, .NET and C#, Python, vi, JavaScript, and the PCRE regular expression libraries.
This concise and easy-to-use reference puts a very powerful tool for manipulating text and data right at your fingertips. Composed of a mixture of symbols and text, regular expressions can be an outlet for creativity, for brilliant programming, and for the elegant solution. Regular Expression Pocket Reference offers an introduction to regular expressions, pattern matching, metacharacters, modes and constructs, and then provides separate sections for each of the language APIs, with complete regex listings including:
- Supported metacharacters for each language API
- Regular expression classes and interfaces for Ruby, Java, .NET, and C#
- Regular expression operators for Perl 5.8
- Regular expression module objects and functions for Python
- Pattern-matching functions for PHP and the vi editor
- Pattern-matching methods and objects for JavaScript
- Unicode Support for each of the languages

Get past all the hype about PHP and dig into the real power of this language. This book explores the most useful features of PHP and how they can speed up the web development process, and explains why the most commonly used PHP elements are often misused or misapplied. You'll learn which parts add strength to object-oriented programming, and how to use certain features to integrate your application with databases.
Written by a longtime member of the PHP community, PHP: The Good Parts is ideal for new PHP programmers, as well as web developers switching from other languages.
- Become familiar with PHP's basic syntax, variables, and datatypes
- Learn how to integrate the language with web pages
- Understand how to use strings, arrays, and PHP's built-in functions
- Discover the advantages of using PHP as an object-oriented language
- Explore how PHP interacts with databases, such as SQLite and MySQL
- Learn input- and output-h andling best practices to prevent security breaches

To be on the cutting edge, Web sites need to serve up HTML, CSS, and products specific to the needs of different customers using different browsers. An effective e-commerce site gathers information about users and provides information they need to get the desired result.
PHP scripting language with a MySQL back-end database offers an effective way to design sites that meet these requirements. This full updated 4th Edition of PHP & MySQL For Dummies gets you quickly up to speed, even if your experience is limited.
- Explains the easy way to install and set up PHP and MySQL using XAMPP, so it works the same on Linux, Mac, and Windows
- Shows you how to secure files on a Web host and how to write secure code
- Packed with useful and understandable code examples for Web site creator s who are not professional programmers
- Fully updated to ensure your code will be compliant based on PHP 5.3 and MySQL 5.1.31
- Provides clear, accurate code examples
PHP & MySQL For Dummies, 4th Edition provides what you need to know to create sites that get results.
Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

If you're ready to create web pages more complex than those you can build with HTML and CSS, Head First PHP & MySQL is the ultimate learning guide to building dynamic, database-driven websites using PHP and MySQL. Packed with real-world examples, this book teaches you all the essentials of server-side programming, from the fundamentals of PHP and MySQL coding to advanced topics such as form validation, session IDs, cookies, database queries and joins, file I/O operations, content management, and more.
Head First PHP & MySQL offers the same visually rich format that's turned every title in the Head First series into a bestseller, with plenty of exercises, quizzes, puzzles, and other interactive features to help you retain what you've learned.
- Use PHP to transform static HTML pages into dynamic web sites
- Create and populate your own MySQL database table s, and work with data stored in files
- Perform sophisticated MySQL queries with joins, and refine your results with LIMIT and ORDER BY
- Use cookies and sessions to track visitors' login information and personalize the site for users
- Protect your data from SQL injection attacks
- Use regular expressions to validate information on forms
- Dynamically display text based on session info and create images on the fly
- Pull syndicated data from other sites using PHP and XML

Algorithms and data structures are much more than abstract concepts. Mastering them enables you to write code that runs faster and more efficiently, which is particularly important for today's web and mobile apps. This book takes a practical approach to data structures and algorithms, with techniques and real-world scenarios that you can use in your daily production code. Graphics and examples make these computer science concepts understandable and relevant. You can use these techniques with any language; examples in the book are in JavaScript, Python, and Ruby.
Use Big O notation, the primary tool for evaluating algorithms, to measure and articulate the efficiency of your code, and modify your algorithm to make it faster. Find out how your choice of arrays, linked lists, and hash tables can dramatically affect the code you write. Use recursion to solve tricky problems and create algorithms that run exponentially faster than the alternatives. Dig into advanced data structures such as binary trees and graphs to help scale specialized applications such as social networks and mapping software. You'll even encounter a single keyword that can give your code a turbo boost. Jay Wengrow brings to this book the key teaching practices he developed as a web development bootcamp founder and educator.
Use these techniques today to make your code faster and more scalable.
Is your data dragging you down? Are your tables all tangled up? Well we've got the tools to teach you just how to wrangle your databases into submission. Using the latest research in neurobiology, cognitive science, and learning theory to craft a multi-sensory SQL learning experience, Head First SQL has a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works, not a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep.
Maybe you've written some simple SQL queries to interact with databases. But now you want more, you want to really dig into those databases and work with your data. Head First SQL will show you the fundamentals of SQL and how to really take advantage of it. We'll take you on a journey through the language, from basic INSERT statements and SELECT queries to hardcore database manipulation with indices, joins, and transactions. We all know "Data is Power" - but we'll show you how to have "Power over your Data". Expect to have fun, expect to learn, and expect to be querying, normalizing, and joining your data like a pro by the time you're finished reading!

The best-selling C++ How to Program is accessible to readers with little or no programming experience, yet comprehensive enough for the professional programmer. The Deitels' signature live-code approach presents the concepts in the context of full working programs followed by sample executions. The early objects approach gets readers thinking about objects immediately–allowing them to more thoroughly master the concepts. Emphasis is placed on achieving program clarity and building well-engineered software. Interesting, entertaining, and challenging exercises encourage students to make a difference and use computers and the Internet to work on problems. To keep readers up-to-date with le ading-edge computing technologies, the Tenth Edition conforms to the C++11 standard and the new C++14 standard.
Also available with MyLab Programming
This title is also available with MyLab
Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Programming does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Programming, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab Programming, search for:
0134583000 / 9780134583006 C++ How to Program Plus MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 10/e
Package consists of:
- 0134448987 / 9780134448985 MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Code Card -- for C++ How to Program (Early Objects Version)
- 0134448235 / 9780134448237 C++ How to P rogram

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