➫ The best Node.js in Action ➤ 2019
Node.js in Action 2019
There are also other versions that may interest you - PHP in Action: Objects, Design, Agility 2019
- Node.js in Action 2019
- Learning Node.js: A Hands-On Guide to Building Web Applications in JavaScript (2nd Edition) 2019
- Web Development with Node and Express: Leveraging the JavaScript Stack 2019
- Prototype and Scriptaculous in Action [Ajax] 2019
- Zend Framework in Action 2019
- Sails.js in Action 2019
- SonarQube in Action 2019
- CMIS and Apache Chemistry in Action 2019
- PHP in Action: Objects, Design, Agility Used Book in Good Condition
To keep programming productive and enjoyable, state-of-the-art practices andprinciples are essential. Object-oriented programming and design help managecomplexity by keeping components cleanly separated. Unit testing helps preventendless, exhausting debugging sessions. Refactoring keeps code supple andreadable. PHP offers all this-and more.
PHP in Action shows you how to apply PHP techniques and principles to all themost common challenges of web programming, including:
- Web presentation and templates
- User interaction including the Model-View-Contoller architecture
- Input validation and form handling
- Database connection and querying and abstraction
- Object persistence
Purchase of the print book comes with an offer of a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook from Manning. Also available is all code from the book.
Contact seller - Node.js in Action
Node.js in Action, Second Edition is a thoroughly revised book based on the best-selling first edition. It starts at square one and guides you through all the features, techniques, and concepts you'll need to build production-quality Node applications.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
About the Technology
You already know JavaScript. The trick to mastering Node.js is learning how to build applications that fully exploit its powerful asynchronous event handling and non-blocking I/O features. The Node server radically simplifies event-driven real-time apps like chat, games, and live data analytics, and with its incredibly rich ecosystem of modules, tools, and libraries, it's hard to beat!
About the Book
Based on the bestselling first edition, Node.js in Action, Second Edition is a completely new book. Packed with practical examples, it teaches you how to create high-performance web servers using JavaScript and Node. You'll master key design concepts such as asynchronous programming, state management, and event-driven programming. And you'll learn to put together MVC servers using Express and Connect, design web APIs, and set up the perfect production environment to build, lint, and test.
What's Inside
- Mastering non-blocking I/O
- The Node event loop
- Testing and deploying
- Web application templating
About the Reader
Written for web developers with intermediate JavaScript skills.
About the Authors
The Second Edition author team includes Node masters Alex Young, Bradley Meck, Mike Cantelon, and Tim Oxley, along with original authors Marc Harter, T.J. Holowaychuk, and Nathan Rajlich.
Table of contents
- Welcome to Node.js
- Node programming fundamentals
- What is a Node web application?
- Front-end build systems
- Server-side frameworks
- Connect and Express in depth
- Web application templating
- Storing application data
- Testing Node applications
- Deploying Node applications and maintaining uptime
- Writing command-line applications
- Conquering the desktop with Electron
Contact seller - Learning Node.js: A Hands-On Guide to Building Web Applications in JavaScript (2nd Edition) Addison-Wesley Professional
Learning Node.js brings together the knowledge and JavaScript code needed to build master the Node.js platform and build server-side applications with extraordinary speed and scalability.
You'll start by installing and running Node.js, understanding the extensions it uses, and quickly writing your first app. Next, building on the basics, you'll write more capable application servers and extend them with today's most powerful Node.js tools and modules. Finally, you'll discover today's best practices for testing, running Node.js code on production servers, and writing command-line utilities.
Throughout the book, author Marc Wandschneider teaches by walking the reader line-by-line through carefully crafted examples, demonstrating proven techniques for creating highly efficient applications and servers.
The second edition updates coverage of Node.js to reflect changes in the technology and how it is used in the three years since the first edition was published:
- Explanation of Node's new versioning scheme
- Updated coverage of Streams
- New coverage of installation using pre-build installers rather than from source code
- New coverage of Mongoose in the section on MongoDB
- New information about deploying Node on Heroku and Azure
- Expansion of coverage on testing
If you're a developer who wants to build server-side web applications with Node.js, Learning Node.js is your fatest route to success.
- Build Node.js solutions that leverage current JavaScript skills
- Master Node.js nonblocking IO and async programmin g
- Handle more requests and increase an application's flexibility
- Use and write modules
- Perform common JSON/web server tasks
- Use browsers to generate pages on the fly via Ajax calls and template libraries
- Simplify development with the Express framework
- Create database back-ends using popular NoSQL and relational databases
- Deploy and run Node.js apps on Unix/macOS or Windows servers
- Deploy apps to Heroku and Microsoft Azure
- Support virtual hosts and SSL/HTTPS security
- Test Node.js programs that mix synchronous, async, and RESTful server API functionality
Contact seller - Web Development with Node and Express: Leveraging the JavaScript Stack O Reilly Media
Learn how to build dynamic web applications with Express, a key component of the Node/JavaScript development stack. In this hands-on guide, author Ethan Brown teaches you the fundamentals through the development of a fictional application that exposes a public website and a RESTful API. You'll also learn web architecture best practices to help you build single-page, multi-page, and hybrid web apps with Express.
Express strikes a balance between a robust framework and no framework at all, allowing you a free hand in your architecture choices. With this book, frontend and backend engineers familiar with JavaScript will discover new ways of looking at web development.
- Create webpage templating system for rendering dynamic data
- Dive into request and response objects, middleware, and URL routing
- Simulate a production environment for testing and developm ent
- Focus on persistence with document databases, particularly MongoDB
- Make your resources available to other programs with RESTful APIs
- Build secure apps with authentication, authorization, and HTTPS
- Integrate with social media, geolocation, and other third-party services
- Implement a plan for launching and maintaining your app
- Learn critical debugging skills
This book covers Express 4.0.
Contact seller - Prototype and Scriptaculous in Action [Ajax] Used Book in Good Condition
Prototype and Scriptaculous are libraries that extend standard Ajax. They make it easier to program Ajax and provide powerful features like drag and drop and animation. In this book, developers learn by playing and see how the libraries work in the real world.
As experience with Ajax increases, developers want the standard Ajax capabilities they repeatedly use to be preprogrammed for them--and that's exactly what Ajax libraries do for them. They reduce the pain of handling cross-browser inconsistencies, they add useful language features, and provide sophisticated functionality. Of these, Prototype is the most popular JavaScript and Ajax framework for low-level user interface features such as animation, drag and drop, and pre-built widgets. Together, they free the developer up to concentrate on building the application. They make a rich user experience easy to achieve.
This book guid es the reader through the Prototype and Scriptaculous libraries feature-by-feature. In just 350 pages, readers will find over 100 small working examples to help them explore the libraries. As well, they will develop a web-based image gallery that teacher them how to use Prototype and Scriptaculous in the real-world.
Purchase of the print book comes with an offer of a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook from Manning. Also available is all code from the book.
Contact seller - Zend Framework in Action Used Book in Good Condition
From rather humble beginnings as the Personal Home Page scripting language, PHP has found its way into almost every server, corporation, and dev shop in the world. On an average day, somewhere between 500,000 and 2 million coders do something in PHP. Even when you use a well-understood language like PHP, building a modern web application requires tools that decrease development time and cost while improving code quality. Frameworks such as Ruby-on-Rails and Django have been getting a lot of attention as a result.
For PHP coders, the Zend Framework offers that same promise without the need to move away from PHP. This powerful collection of components can be used in part or as a whole to speed up the development process. Zend Framework has the backing of Zend Technologies; the driving force behind the PHP programming language in which it is written. The first production release of the Zend Framework became available in July of 2007.
Zend Framework in Action i s a comprehensive tutorial that shows how to use the Zend Framework to create web-based applications and web services. This book takes you on an over-the-shoulder tour of the components of the Zend Framework as you build a high quality, real-world web application. This book is organized around the techniques you'll use every day as a web developer "data handling, forms, authentication, and so forth. As you follow the running example, you'll learn to build interactive Ajax-driven features into your application without sacrificing nuts-and-bolts considerations like security and performance.
This book is aimed at the competent PHP developer who wants to master framework-driven web development. Zend Framework in Action goes beyond the docs but still provides quick access to the most common topics encountered in the development of web applications.
Purchase of the print book comes with an offer of a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook from Manning. Also available is all code from the book.
Contact seller - Sails.js in Action
Sails.js in Action is a comprehensive guide to buildingenterprise-capable web applications using Node and Sails. Written by the creators of the Sails.js framework, this book carefully introduces each concept, technique, and tool with real-world examples and crystal clear explanations.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
About the Technology
Sails makes professional web development a breeze. This instantly familiar MVC framework automatically handles the tedious application boilerplate, so you can concentrate on developing features and creating business value. You get powerful tools for rapid API development, task automation, an ORM, and easy integration with any web, mobile, or IoT frontend. And because you're using Node.js, it's JavaScript all the way down.
About the Book
Sails.js in Action is a comprehensive guide on h ow to build enterprise-capable web applications. Written by the creators of Sails.js, this book introduces each concept and technique with real-world examples and thorough explanations. As you read, you'll learn to build the backend of a typical web application while you explore real-time programming with WebSockets, security fundamentals, and best practices for building Sails/Node.js apps.
What's Inside
- Creating the backend for a web, mobile, or IoT app
- Real-time programming with WebSockets
- User management, authentication, and password recovery
- Using Sails to autogenerate REST APIs
- Custom backend development and third-party API integrations
About the Reader
Readers should be comfortable with JavaScript and frontend web development.
About the Author
Mike McNeil is the creator of Sails.js. Irl Nathan is the producer of sailsCasts, a series focused on using Sai ls.
Table of Contents
- Getting started
- First steps
- Using static assets
- Using the blueprint API
- Custom backend code
- Using models
- Custom actions
- Server-rendered views
- Authentication and sessions
- Policies and access control
- Refactoring
- Embedded data and associations
- Ratings, followers, and search
- Realtime with WebSockets
- Deployment, testing, and security
Contact seller - SonarQube in Action Used Book in Good Condition
SonarQube in Action shows developers how to use the SonarQube platform to help them continuously improve their source code. The book presents SonarQube's core Seven Axes of Quality: design/architecture, duplications, comments, unit tests, complexity, potential bugs, and coding rules. You'll find simple, easy-to-follow discussion and examples as you learn to integrate SonarQube into your development process.
About the Technology
SonarQube is a powerful open source tool for continuous inspection, a process that makes code quality analysis and reporting an integral part of the development lifecycle. Its unique dashboards, rule-based defect analysis, and tight build integration result in improved code quality without disruption to developer workflow. It suppo rts many languages, including Java, C, C++, C#, PHP, and JavaScript.
About the Book
SonarQube in Action teaches you how to effectively use SonarQube following the continuous inspection model. This practical book systematically explores SonarQube's core Seven Axes of Quality (design, duplications, comments, unit tests, complexity, potential bugs, and coding rules). With well-chosen examples, it helps you learn to use SonarQube's review functionality and IDE integration to implement continuous inspection best practices in your own quality management process.
The book's Java-based examples translate easily to other development languages. No prior experience with SonarQube or continuous delivery practice is assumed
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kin dle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
What's Inside
- Gather meaningful quality metrics
- Integrate with Ant, Maven, and Jenkins
- Write your own plugins
- Master the art of continuous inspection
About the Authors
Ann Campbellb and Patroklos Papapetrou are experienced developers and team leaders. Both actively contribute to the SonarQube community.
Table of Contents
- An introduction to SonarQube
- Issues and coding standards
- Ensuring that your code is doing things right
- Working with duplicate code
- Optimizing source code documentation
- Keeping your source code files elegant
- Improving your application design
- Planning a strategy and expanding your insight
- Continuous Inspection with SonarQube
- Letting SonarQube drive code reviews
- IDE integration
- Security: users, groups, and roles
- Rule profile administration
- Making SonarQube fit your needs
- Managing your projects
- Writing your own plugins
Contact seller - CMIS and Apache Chemistry in Action Used Book in Good Condition
CMIS and Apache Chemistry in Action is a comprehensive guide to the CMIS standard and related ECM concepts, written by the authors of the standard. In it, you'll tackle hands-on examples for building applications on CMIS repositories from both the client and the server sides. You'll learn how to create new content-centric applications that install and run in any CMIS-compliant repository.
About The Technology
Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) is an OASIS standard for accessing content management systems. It specifies a vendor-and language-neutral way to interact with any compliant content repository. Apache Chemistry provides complete reference implementations of the CMIS standard with robust APIs for developers writing tools, applications, and servers.
About This Book
CMIS and Apache Chemistry in Action is a comprehensive guide to the CMIS standard and related ECM concepts. In it, you'll find clear teaching and instantly useful examples for building content-centric client and server-side applications that run against any CMIS-compliant repository. In fact, using the CMIS Workbench and the InMemory Repository from Apache Chemistry, you'll have running code talking to a real CMIS server by the end of chapter 1.
This book requires some familiarity with content management systems and a standard programming language like Java or C#. No exposure to CMIS or Apache Chemistry is assumed.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
What's Inside
- The only CMIS book endorsed by OASIS
- Complete coverage of the CMIS 1.0 and 1.1 specifications
- Cookbook-style tutorials and real-world examples
About the Authors
Florian Müller, Jay Brown, and Jeff Potts are among the original authors, contributors, and leaders of Apache Chemistry and the OASIS CMIS specification. They continue to shape CMIS implementations at Alfresco, IBM, and SAP.
Table of Contents
- Introducing CMIS
- Exploring the CMIS domain model
- Creating, updating, and deleting objects with CMIS
- CMIS metadata: types and properties
- Query
- Meet your new project: The Blend
- The Blend: read and query functionality
- The Blend: create, update, and delete functionality
- Using other client libraries
- Building mobile apps with CMIS
- CMIS bindings
- Security and control
- Performance
- Building a CMIS server
Contact seller
php in action__ - Buscar con Google ×Haz clic aquí si no vuelves a acceder en pocos segundos. Todos VideosImágenesNoticias Maps Shopping Libros Herramientas de búsqueda Cualquier idioma Cualquier idiomaBuscar páginas en EspañolDe cualquier fecha De cualquier fecha Última hora Últimas 24 horas Última semana Último mes Último añoTodos los resultados Todos los resultadosPalabra por palabraSe muestran resultados de php in actionBuscar, en cambio, php in action__[PDF] PHP in Action.book - NIWA Librarywebcat.niwa.co.nz › documentsWhy we're comparing PHP to Java 19 ✦ Objects and classes 20 ..... Purchase of PHP in Action includes free access to a private web forum run by Man-.PHP in Action - Manning .manning › books › php-in-actionPHP in Action shows you how to apply PHP techniques and principles to all the ... in PHP 5 using state-of-the art programming and software design techniques ...PHP in Action: Objects, Design, Agility: Dagfinn Reiersol, Marcus ... .amazon › PHP-Action-Objects-Design-AgilityPHP in Action: Objects, Design, Agility [Dagfinn Reiersol, Marcus Baker, Chris Shiflett] on Amazon . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. To keep ...PHP in Action dl.acm.org › citationTo keep programming productive and enjoyable, state-of-the-art practices and principles are essential. Object-oriented programming and design help manage ...PHP in Action for beginners | Udemy .udemy › course › php-course-for-beginnersExplore PHP learn about common PHP functionality for better coding. Basic understanding of PHP is a prerequeist to this course, it is designed for beignners ...Formulario con action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF ... .forosdelweb › Programando para Internet › PHP23 jul. 2012 · Formulario con action="" En que casos se debe usar. Cuando un formulario lo utiliza: a que script php està.Using PHP_SELF in the action field of a form - HTML Form Guideform.guide 250; php-form › php-form-action-selfWe will now see some examples. echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];. a) Suppose your php file is located at the address: .yourserver /form-action.php .HTML Form and PHP Action Handler Tutorial - YouTube .youtube › watch13 mar. 2012 · Create a simple HTML form with JavaScript validation and then print the submitted values using ...Duración: 13:29 Publicado: 13 mar. 2012Using php in Form Action - Stack Overflow stackoverflow › questions › using-php-in-form-actionDon't do: <form action="add_answer.php?id=<?php echo $id;?>" form method=" post" class="login">. Do do: <form action="add_answer.php" ...PHP $_GET['action'] - Stack Overflow stackoverflow › questions › php-getactionSimply use an anchor: <a href="?action=Laugh">Please Laugh</a><br> <a href= "?action=Cry">Please Cry</a>. Your PHP code can be ... Siguiente > Iniciar sesiónPreferenciasPrivacidadCondicione s
To keep programming productive and enjoyable, state-of-the-art practices andprinciples are essential. Object-oriented programming and design help managecomplexity by keeping components cleanly separated. Unit testing helps preventendless, exhausting debugging sessions. Refactoring keeps code supple andreadable. PHP offers all this-and more.
PHP in Action shows you how to apply PHP techniques and principles to all themost common challenges of web programming, including:
- Web presentation and templates
- User interaction including the Model-View-Contoller architecture
- Input validation and form handling
- Database connection and querying and abstraction
- Object persistence
Purchase of the print book comes with an offer of a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook from Manning. Also available is all code from the book.

Node.js in Action, Second Edition is a thoroughly revised book based on the best-selling first edition. It starts at square one and guides you through all the features, techniques, and concepts you'll need to build production-quality Node applications.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
About the Technology
You already know JavaScript. The trick to mastering Node.js is learning how to build applications that fully exploit its powerful asynchronous event handling and non-blocking I/O features. The Node server radically simplifies event-driven real-time apps like chat, games, and live data analytics, and with its incredibly rich ecosystem of modules, tools, and libraries, it's hard to beat!
About the Book
Based on the bestselling first edition, Node.js in Action, Second Edition is a completely new book. Packed with practical examples, it teaches you how to create high-performance web servers using JavaScript and Node. You'll master key design concepts such as asynchronous programming, state management, and event-driven programming. And you'll learn to put together MVC servers using Express and Connect, design web APIs, and set up the perfect production environment to build, lint, and test.
What's Inside
- Mastering non-blocking I/O
- The Node event loop
- Testing and deploying
- Web application templating
About the Reader
Written for web developers with intermediate JavaScript skills.
About the Authors
The Second Edition author team includes Node masters Alex Young, Bradley Meck, Mike Cantelon, and Tim Oxley, along with original authors Marc Harter, T.J. Holowaychuk, and Nathan Rajlich.
Table of contents
- Welcome to Node.js
- Node programming fundamentals
- What is a Node web application?
- Front-end build systems
- Server-side frameworks
- Connect and Express in depth
- Web application templating
- Storing application data
- Testing Node applications
- Deploying Node applications and maintaining uptime
- Writing command-line applications
- Conquering the desktop with Electron

Learning Node.js brings together the knowledge and JavaScript code needed to build master the Node.js platform and build server-side applications with extraordinary speed and scalability.
You'll start by installing and running Node.js, understanding the extensions it uses, and quickly writing your first app. Next, building on the basics, you'll write more capable application servers and extend them with today's most powerful Node.js tools and modules. Finally, you'll discover today's best practices for testing, running Node.js code on production servers, and writing command-line utilities.
Throughout the book, author Marc Wandschneider teaches by walking the reader line-by-line through carefully crafted examples, demonstrating proven techniques for creating highly efficient applications and servers.
The second edition updates coverage of Node.js to reflect changes in the technology and how it is used in the three years since the first edition was published:
- Explanation of Node's new versioning scheme
- Updated coverage of Streams
- New coverage of installation using pre-build installers rather than from source code
- New coverage of Mongoose in the section on MongoDB
- New information about deploying Node on Heroku and Azure
- Expansion of coverage on testing
If you're a developer who wants to build server-side web applications with Node.js, Learning Node.js is your fatest route to success.
- Build Node.js solutions that leverage current JavaScript skills
- Master Node.js nonblocking IO and async programmin g
- Handle more requests and increase an application's flexibility
- Use and write modules
- Perform common JSON/web server tasks
- Use browsers to generate pages on the fly via Ajax calls and template libraries
- Simplify development with the Express framework
- Create database back-ends using popular NoSQL and relational databases
- Deploy and run Node.js apps on Unix/macOS or Windows servers
- Deploy apps to Heroku and Microsoft Azure
- Support virtual hosts and SSL/HTTPS security
- Test Node.js programs that mix synchronous, async, and RESTful server API functionality

Learn how to build dynamic web applications with Express, a key component of the Node/JavaScript development stack. In this hands-on guide, author Ethan Brown teaches you the fundamentals through the development of a fictional application that exposes a public website and a RESTful API. You'll also learn web architecture best practices to help you build single-page, multi-page, and hybrid web apps with Express.
Express strikes a balance between a robust framework and no framework at all, allowing you a free hand in your architecture choices. With this book, frontend and backend engineers familiar with JavaScript will discover new ways of looking at web development.
- Create webpage templating system for rendering dynamic data
- Dive into request and response objects, middleware, and URL routing
- Simulate a production environment for testing and developm ent
- Focus on persistence with document databases, particularly MongoDB
- Make your resources available to other programs with RESTful APIs
- Build secure apps with authentication, authorization, and HTTPS
- Integrate with social media, geolocation, and other third-party services
- Implement a plan for launching and maintaining your app
- Learn critical debugging skills
This book covers Express 4.0.

Prototype and Scriptaculous are libraries that extend standard Ajax. They make it easier to program Ajax and provide powerful features like drag and drop and animation. In this book, developers learn by playing and see how the libraries work in the real world.
As experience with Ajax increases, developers want the standard Ajax capabilities they repeatedly use to be preprogrammed for them--and that's exactly what Ajax libraries do for them. They reduce the pain of handling cross-browser inconsistencies, they add useful language features, and provide sophisticated functionality. Of these, Prototype is the most popular JavaScript and Ajax framework for low-level user interface features such as animation, drag and drop, and pre-built widgets. Together, they free the developer up to concentrate on building the application. They make a rich user experience easy to achieve.
This book guid es the reader through the Prototype and Scriptaculous libraries feature-by-feature. In just 350 pages, readers will find over 100 small working examples to help them explore the libraries. As well, they will develop a web-based image gallery that teacher them how to use Prototype and Scriptaculous in the real-world.
Purchase of the print book comes with an offer of a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook from Manning. Also available is all code from the book.
![Prototype and Scriptaculous in Action [Ajax]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41qufpfv1JL.jpg)
From rather humble beginnings as the Personal Home Page scripting language, PHP has found its way into almost every server, corporation, and dev shop in the world. On an average day, somewhere between 500,000 and 2 million coders do something in PHP. Even when you use a well-understood language like PHP, building a modern web application requires tools that decrease development time and cost while improving code quality. Frameworks such as Ruby-on-Rails and Django have been getting a lot of attention as a result.
For PHP coders, the Zend Framework offers that same promise without the need to move away from PHP. This powerful collection of components can be used in part or as a whole to speed up the development process. Zend Framework has the backing of Zend Technologies; the driving force behind the PHP programming language in which it is written. The first production release of the Zend Framework became available in July of 2007.
Zend Framework in Action i s a comprehensive tutorial that shows how to use the Zend Framework to create web-based applications and web services. This book takes you on an over-the-shoulder tour of the components of the Zend Framework as you build a high quality, real-world web application. This book is organized around the techniques you'll use every day as a web developer "data handling, forms, authentication, and so forth. As you follow the running example, you'll learn to build interactive Ajax-driven features into your application without sacrificing nuts-and-bolts considerations like security and performance.
This book is aimed at the competent PHP developer who wants to master framework-driven web development. Zend Framework in Action goes beyond the docs but still provides quick access to the most common topics encountered in the development of web applications.
Purchase of the print book comes with an offer of a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook from Manning. Also available is all code from the book.

Sails.js in Action is a comprehensive guide to buildingenterprise-capable web applications using Node and Sails. Written by the creators of the Sails.js framework, this book carefully introduces each concept, technique, and tool with real-world examples and crystal clear explanations.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
About the Technology
Sails makes professional web development a breeze. This instantly familiar MVC framework automatically handles the tedious application boilerplate, so you can concentrate on developing features and creating business value. You get powerful tools for rapid API development, task automation, an ORM, and easy integration with any web, mobile, or IoT frontend. And because you're using Node.js, it's JavaScript all the way down.
About the Book
Sails.js in Action is a comprehensive guide on h ow to build enterprise-capable web applications. Written by the creators of Sails.js, this book introduces each concept and technique with real-world examples and thorough explanations. As you read, you'll learn to build the backend of a typical web application while you explore real-time programming with WebSockets, security fundamentals, and best practices for building Sails/Node.js apps.
What's Inside
- Creating the backend for a web, mobile, or IoT app
- Real-time programming with WebSockets
- User management, authentication, and password recovery
- Using Sails to autogenerate REST APIs
- Custom backend development and third-party API integrations
About the Reader
Readers should be comfortable with JavaScript and frontend web development.
About the Author
Mike McNeil is the creator of Sails.js. Irl Nathan is the producer of sailsCasts, a series focused on using Sai ls.
Table of Contents
- Getting started
- First steps
- Using static assets
- Using the blueprint API
- Custom backend code
- Using models
- Custom actions
- Server-rendered views
- Authentication and sessions
- Policies and access control
- Refactoring
- Embedded data and associations
- Ratings, followers, and search
- Realtime with WebSockets
- Deployment, testing, and security

SonarQube in Action shows developers how to use the SonarQube platform to help them continuously improve their source code. The book presents SonarQube's core Seven Axes of Quality: design/architecture, duplications, comments, unit tests, complexity, potential bugs, and coding rules. You'll find simple, easy-to-follow discussion and examples as you learn to integrate SonarQube into your development process.
About the Technology
SonarQube is a powerful open source tool for continuous inspection, a process that makes code quality analysis and reporting an integral part of the development lifecycle. Its unique dashboards, rule-based defect analysis, and tight build integration result in improved code quality without disruption to developer workflow. It suppo rts many languages, including Java, C, C++, C#, PHP, and JavaScript.
About the Book
SonarQube in Action teaches you how to effectively use SonarQube following the continuous inspection model. This practical book systematically explores SonarQube's core Seven Axes of Quality (design, duplications, comments, unit tests, complexity, potential bugs, and coding rules). With well-chosen examples, it helps you learn to use SonarQube's review functionality and IDE integration to implement continuous inspection best practices in your own quality management process.
The book's Java-based examples translate easily to other development languages. No prior experience with SonarQube or continuous delivery practice is assumed
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kin dle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
What's Inside
- Gather meaningful quality metrics
- Integrate with Ant, Maven, and Jenkins
- Write your own plugins
- Master the art of continuous inspection
About the Authors
Ann Campbellb and Patroklos Papapetrou are experienced developers and team leaders. Both actively contribute to the SonarQube community.
Table of Contents
- An introduction to SonarQube
- Issues and coding standards
- Ensuring that your code is doing things right
- Working with duplicate code
- Optimizing source code documentation
- Keeping your source code files elegant
- Improving your application design
- Planning a strategy and expanding your insight
- Continuous Inspection with SonarQube
- Letting SonarQube drive code reviews
- IDE integration
- Security: users, groups, and roles
- Rule profile administration
- Making SonarQube fit your needs
- Managing your projects
- Writing your own plugins

CMIS and Apache Chemistry in Action is a comprehensive guide to the CMIS standard and related ECM concepts, written by the authors of the standard. In it, you'll tackle hands-on examples for building applications on CMIS repositories from both the client and the server sides. You'll learn how to create new content-centric applications that install and run in any CMIS-compliant repository.
About The Technology
Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) is an OASIS standard for accessing content management systems. It specifies a vendor-and language-neutral way to interact with any compliant content repository. Apache Chemistry provides complete reference implementations of the CMIS standard with robust APIs for developers writing tools, applications, and servers.
About This Book
CMIS and Apache Chemistry in Action is a comprehensive guide to the CMIS standard and related ECM concepts. In it, you'll find clear teaching and instantly useful examples for building content-centric client and server-side applications that run against any CMIS-compliant repository. In fact, using the CMIS Workbench and the InMemory Repository from Apache Chemistry, you'll have running code talking to a real CMIS server by the end of chapter 1.
This book requires some familiarity with content management systems and a standard programming language like Java or C#. No exposure to CMIS or Apache Chemistry is assumed.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
What's Inside
- The only CMIS book endorsed by OASIS
- Complete coverage of the CMIS 1.0 and 1.1 specifications
- Cookbook-style tutorials and real-world examples
About the Authors
Florian Müller, Jay Brown, and Jeff Potts are among the original authors, contributors, and leaders of Apache Chemistry and the OASIS CMIS specification. They continue to shape CMIS implementations at Alfresco, IBM, and SAP.
Table of Contents
- Introducing CMIS
- Exploring the CMIS domain model
- Creating, updating, and deleting objects with CMIS
- CMIS metadata: types and properties
- Query
- Meet your new project: The Blend
- The Blend: read and query functionality
- The Blend: create, update, and delete functionality
- Using other client libraries
- Building mobile apps with CMIS
- CMIS bindings
- Security and control
- Performance
- Building a CMIS server

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