➤ Examining 'php data structures ' the best product ✔ Java Programming: Master's Handbook: A .. ✔ today 05 Jul 2019
Java Programming: Master's Handbook: A TRUE Beginner's Guide! Problem Solving, Code, Data Science, Data Structures & Algorithms (Code like a PRO in ... web design, tech, perl, ajax, swift, python) 2019
There are also other versions that may interest you - PHP 7 Data Structures and Algorithms: Implement linked lists, stacks, and queues using PHP 2019
- A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms: Level Up Your Core Programming Skills 2019
- PHP and Algorithmic Thinking for the Complete Beginner: Learn to Think Like a Programmer 2019
- Data Structures & Algorithms Using PHP 7 2019
- Regular Expressions Cookbook: Detailed Solutions in Eight Programming Languages 2019
- Practical PHP 7, MySQL 8, and MariaDB Website Databases: A Simplified Approach to Developing Database-Driven Websites 2019
- Java Programming: Master's Handbook: A TRUE Beginner's Guide! Problem Solving, Code, Data Science, Data Structures & Algorithms (Code like a PRO in ... web design, tech, perl, ajax, swift, python) 2019
- PYTHON Programming Language. In 8 Hours, For Beginners, Learn Coding Fast! Python Crash Course, A QuickStart eBook, Tutorial Book with Hands-On Projects, In Easy Steps! An Ultimate Beginner's Guide! 2019
- Beginning Databases with PostgreSQL: From Novice to Professional (Beginning From Novice to Professional) 2019
- PHP 7 Data Structures and Algorithms: Implement linked lists, stacks, and queues using PHP
Increase your productivity by implementing data structures
About This Book
- Gain a complete understanding of data structures using a simple approach
- Analyze algorithms and learn when you should apply each solution
- Explore the true potential of functional data structures
Who This Book Is For
This book is for those who want to learn data structures and algorithms with PHP for better control over application-solution, efficiency, and optimization.
A basic understanding of PHP data types, control structures, and other basic features is required
What You Will Learn
- Gain a better understanding of PHP arrays as a basic data structure and their hidden power
- Grasp how to analyze algorithms and the Big O Notation
- Implement linked lists, double linked lists, stack, queues, and priority queues using PHP
- Work with sorting, searching, and recursive algorithms
- Make use of greedy, dynamic, and pattern matching algorithms
- Implement tree, heaps, and graph algorithms
- Apply PHP functional data structures and built-in data structures and algorithms
In Detail
PHP has always been the the go-to language for web based application development, but there are materials and resources you can refer to to see how it works. Data structures and algorithms help you to code and execute them effectively, cutting down on processing time significantly.
If you want to explore data structures and algorithms in a practical way with real-life projects, then this book is for you.
The book begins by introducing you to data structures and algorithms and how to solve a problem from beginning to end using them. Once you are well aware of the basics, it covers the core aspects like arrays, listed lists, stacks and queues. It will take you through several methods of finding efficient algorithms and show you which ones you should implement in e ach scenario. In addition to this, you will explore the possibilities of functional data structures using PHP and go through advanced algorithms and graphs as well as dynamic programming.
By the end, you will be confident enough to tackle both basic and advanced data structures, understand how they work, and know when to use them in your day-to-day work
Style and approach
An easy-to-follow guide full of examples of implementation of data structures and real world examples to solve the problems faced. Each topic is first explained in general terms and then implemented using step by step explanation so that developers can understand each part of the discussion without any problem.
Contact seller - A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms: Level Up Your Core Programming Skills
Algorithms and data structures are much more than abstract concepts. Mastering them enables you to write code that runs faster and more efficiently, which is particularly important for today's web and mobile apps. This book takes a practical approach to data structures and algorithms, with techniques and real-world scenarios that you can use in your daily production code. Graphics and examples make these computer science concepts understandable and relevant. You can use these techniques with any language; examples in the book are in JavaScript, Python, and Ruby.
Use Big O notation, the primary tool for evaluating algorithms, to measure and articulate the efficiency of your code, and modify your algorithm to make it faster. Find out how your choice of arrays, linked lists, and hash tables c an dramatically affect the code you write. Use recursion to solve tricky problems and create algorithms that run exponentially faster than the alternatives. Dig into advanced data structures such as binary trees and graphs to help scale specialized applications such as social networks and mapping software. You'll even encounter a single keyword that can give your code a turbo boost. Jay Wengrow brings to this book the key teaching practices he developed as a web development bootcamp founder and educator.
Use these techniques today to make your code faster and more scalable.
Contact seller - PHP and Algorithmic Thinking for the Complete Beginner: Learn to Think Like a Programmer
This book is for anyone who wants to learn computer programming and knows absolutely nothing about it. Of course, if you are wondering whether this book is going to teach you how to create amazing websites or incredible applications, the answer is "no"—that is a job for other books. So many books out there can teach you those skills in PHP, Java, C++, or C#. Many of them even claim that they can teach you in 24 hours! Don't laugh! They probably can do that, but all of them take one thing for granted—that the reader knows some basics about computer programming. None of those books, unfortunately, bothers to teach you the first thing that a novice programmer needs to learn, which is "Algorithmic Thinking."
Algorithmic Thinking involves more than just learning code. It is a problem solving process that involves learning how to code. With over 800 pages, and containing more than 300 solved and 400 unsolved exercises, over 450 true/false, 150 multiple choice, and 180 review questions (the solutions and the answers to which can be found on the Internet), this book is ideal for students, teachers, professors, novices or average programmers, or for anyone who wants to start learning or teaching computer programming using the proper conventions and techniques.
Ideal for
- Students, teachers or professors
- Novices or average programmers
- Anyone who wants to start learning or teaching computer programming
Contact seller - Data Structures & Algorithms Using PHP 7 "Problem Solving in Data Structures & Algorithms" is a series of books about the usage of Data Structures and Algorithms in computer programming. The book is easy to follow and is written for interview preparation point of view. In various books, the examples are solved in various languages like C, C++, Java, C#, Python, VB, JavaScript and PHP.
Book's Composition
This book is designed for interviews so in Chapter 0, various preparation plans are proposed. Then in chapters 1, a brief introduction of the programming language and concept of recursion is explained. A number of problems based on recursion and array are explained.
Then in the coming chapter, we will be looking into complexity analysis. Then we will be looking into Sorting & Searching techniques.
Then will look into the various data structures and their algorithms. We will be lookin g into a Linked List, Stack, Queue, Trees, Heap, Hash Table and Graphs.
Then we will be looking into algorithm analysis, we will be looking into Brute Force algorithms, Greedy algorithms, Divide & Conquer algorithms, Dynamic Programming, and Backtracking.
In the end, we will be looking into System Design, which will give a systematic approach for solving the design problems in an Interview.
Table of Contents
Chapter 0: How to use this book.
Chapter 1: Introduction - Programming Overview
Chapter 2: Algorithms Analysis
Chapter 3: Approach to solve algorithm design problems
Chapter 4: Abstract Data Type
Chapter 5: Searching
Chapter 6: Sorting
Chapter 7: Linked List
Chapter 8: Stack
Chapter 9: Queue
Chapter 10: Tree
Chapter 11: Priority Queue
Chapter 12: Hash-Table
Chapter 13: Graphs
Chapter 14: String Algorithms
Chapter 15: Algorithm Design Techniques
Chapter 16: Brute Force Algorit hm
Chapter 17: Greedy Algorithm
Chapter 18: Divide & Conquer
Chapter 19: Dynamic Programming
Chapter 20: Backtracking
Chapter 21: Complexity Theory
Chapter 22: Interview Strategy
Chapter 23: System Design
Contact seller - Regular Expressions Cookbook: Detailed Solutions in Eight Programming Languages Used Book in Good Condition
Take the guesswork out of using regular expressions. With more than 140 practical recipes, this cookbook provides everything you need to solve a wide range of real-world problems. Novices will learn basic skills and tools, and programmers and experienced users will find a wealth of detail. Each recipe provides samples you can use right away.
This revised edition covers the regular expression flavors used by C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and VB.NET. You'll learn powerful new tricks, avoid flavor-specific gotchas, and save valuable time with this huge library of practical solutions.
- Learn regular expressions basics through a detailed tutorial
- Use code listings to implement regular expressions with your language of choice
- Understand how regular expressions differ from language to language
- Handle common user input with recipes for validation and formatting
- Find and manipulate words, special characters, and lines of text
- Detect integers, floating-point numbers, and other numerical formats
- Parse source code and process log files
- Use regular expressions in URLs, paths, and IP addresses
- Manipulate HTML, XML, and data exchange formats
- Discover little-known regular expression tricks and techniques
Contact seller - Practical PHP 7, MySQL 8, and MariaDB Website Databases: A Simplified Approach to Developing Database-Driven Websites Build interactive, database-driven websites with PHP 7, MySQL 8, and MariaDB. The focus of this book is on getting you up and running as quickly as possible with real-world applications. In the first two chapters, you will set up your development and testing environment, and then build your first PHP and MariaDB or MySQL database-driven website. You will then increase its sophistication, security, and functionality throughout the course of the book. The PHP required is taught in context within each project so you can quickly learn how PHP integrates with MariaDB and MySQL to create powerful database-driven websites. Each project is fully illustrated, so you will see clearly what you are building as you create your own database-driven website. You will build a f orm for registering users, and then build an interface so that an administrator can view and administer the user database. You will create a message board for users and a method for emailing them. You will also learn the best practices for ensuring that your website databases are secure. Later chapters describe how to create a product catalog, and a simple e-commerce site. You will also discover how to migrate a database to a remote host. The final chapter will demonstrate the advantages of migrating to Oracle's MySQL 8. You will be shown step by step migration directions along with a demonstration of the tools available in SQL Workbench. Because you are building the interactive pages yourself, you will know exactly how MySQL, MariaDB, and PHP all work together, and you will be able to add database interactivity to your own websites with ease.
What You Will Learn
- Build a secure database-driven website using PHP 7, MySQL 8, and MariaDB
- Create a product catalog
- Write a message board
- Move towards e-commerce
- Employ security and validation measures
- Migrate to Oracle's MySQL 8 Server platform
Who This Book Is For Web developers with HTML, CSS and a limited Bootstrap experience. Readers need little to no prior experience with PHP and MySQL.
Contact seller - Java Programming: Master's Handbook: A TRUE Beginner's Guide! Problem Solving, Code, Data Science, Data Structures & Algorithms (Code like a PRO in ... web design, tech, perl, ajax, swift, python) Code Java like a TRUE EXPERT! " Great book for learning Java. This book backs up concepts introduced with clear and logical examples." - Allen B, from Amazon.com "The beauty of this book is that you can study these foundations at your own pace, always at just the right speed." - Denis Chen, from Amazon.com " I would recommend it to all aspiring Java programmers! " - Jason Smith, from Amazon.com Would you like to be a GREAT Java programmer? Would you enjoy a high-paying & in-demand career in Java programming? Crafted by some of the best minds who have studied in some of the world's top universities, You're among one of the best learning programs out there. But are you paying THOUSANDS of dollars just to learn how to code well? NO! Hundreds? Not even close. For less than the price of a good cup of c offee, Download your copy today! Within this book's pages, you'll find GREAT coding skills to learn - and more. Just some of the questions and topics include: - Making Java's Complexity more SIMPLE and EASY-to-understand - Reduce your Coding Errors in Java with in-depth guides to Java Syntax - HUGE mistakes in Java that you CANNOT afford to make... - How to create Data to Model REAL-LIFE Situations (Few books will teach this…) - The Unique Code Structure in Java Explained and Much, much more! World-Class Training This book breaks your training down into easy-to-understand modules. It starts from the very essentials of data structures and functions, so you can write great code - even as a beginner! Scroll to the top and select the "BUY" button for instant download. BONUS: Download today and get ALL future updates to this book edition for FREE You'll be happy you did!
Contact seller - PYTHON Programming Language. In 8 Hours, For Beginners, Learn Coding Fast! Python Crash Course, A QuickStart eBook, Tutorial Book with Hands-On Projects, In Easy Steps! An Ultimate Beginner's Guide! This is a zero-risk investment, If you are not satisfied with the eBook, you can get a full refund within 7 days!
About This Book
This Book Absolutely for Beginners:
"Python in 8 Hours" covers all essential Python language knowledge. You can learn complete primary skills of Python programming fast and easily. The book includes more than 80 practical examples for beginners and includes tests & answers for the college exam, the engineer certification exam, and the job interview exam.
Source Code for Download:
This book provides source code for download; you can download the source code for better study, or copy the source code to your favorite editor to test the programs. .
Download link: forms.aweber.com/form/53/519080053.htm
Table of Contents
Hour 1 Start Python
Hour 2 Statement
Hour 3 Function
Hour 4 Data Structures
Hour 5 Strings
Hour 6 Input & Output
Hour 7 Module & Exception
Hour 8 Class & Object
Appendix Python Summary Charts
Appendix Python Tests & Answers
Click the Buy button now, start coding today!
Contact seller - Beginning Databases with PostgreSQL: From Novice to Professional (Beginning From Novice to Professional) Used Book in Good Condition *The most updated PostgreSQL book on the market, covering version 8.0
*Highlights the most popular PostgreSQL APIs, including C, Perl, PHP, and Java
*This is two books in one; it simultaneously covers key relational database design principles, while teaching PostgreSQL
Contact seller
php data structures__ - Buscar con Google ×Haz clic aquí si no vuelves a acceder en pocos segundos. Todos ImágenesVideosNoticias Maps Shopping Libros Herramientas de búsqueda Cualquier idioma Cualquier idiomaBuscar páginas en EspañolDe cualquier fecha De cualquier fecha Última hora Últimas 24 horas Última semana Último mes Último añoTodos los resultados Todos los resultadosPalabra por palabraSe muestran resultados de php data structuresBuscar, en cambio, php data structures__Efficient data structures for PHP 7. PHP has one data structure to rule them all. The array is a complex, flexible, master-of-none, hybrid data structure , combining the behaviour of a list and a linked map.Efficient data structures for PHP 7 - Rudi Theunissen - Medium medium › efficient-data-structures-for-php-7-9dda7af674cd Estructuras de datos - Manual - PHP .php.net › manual › spl.datastructures.phpListas doblemente enlazadas. Una Lista Doblemente Enlazada (LDE) es una lista de nodos enlazados entre ellos en ambas direcciones. Las operaciones de ...Data Structures - Manual - PHP .php.net › manual › book.ds.phpData Structures ¶. Introduction · Installing/Configuring · Requirements · Installation · Predefined Constants · Examples · Collection — The Collection interface.Efficient data structures for PHP 7 - Rudi Theunissen - Medium medium › efficient-data-structures-for-php-7-9dda7af674cd8 feb. 2016 · Efficient data structures for PHP 7. PHP has one data structure to rule them all. The array is a complex, flexible, master-of-none, hybrid data structure, combining the behaviour of a list and a linked map.Does PHP have built-in data structures? - Stack Overflow stackoverflow › questions › does-php-have-built-in-data-structu...PHP offers data structures through the Standard PHP Library (SPL) basic extension, which is available and compiled by default in PHP 5.0.0.How to write a structure i nto a file in PHP? How to create array-like data-structures with object keys in PHP ... data structure for traversal tree in PHP? Tree data structure in php Más resultados de stackoverflow PHP Master | Data Structures for PHP Devs: Stacks and Queues .sitepoint › PHP › Ignatius Teo17 jun. 2013 · Data Structures for PHP Devs: Stacks and Queues. A data structure, or abstract data type (ADT), is a model that is defined by a collection of operations that can be performed on itself and is limited by the constraints on the effects of those operations.data structure in php | stack program in php | php step by step ... .youtube › watch20 nov. 2016 · lets learn how to use data structure in php. This script will help you to learn and make more ...Duración: 17:08 Publicado: 20 nov. 2016Data Structures And Algorithms In PHP | Udemy .udemy › data-structures-and-algorithm-in-php-part-oneData Structures And Algorithms In PHP. Linked list, Stacks, Queues A nd Interview Problems. 4.6 (8). 76 students. Created by Joshua Melvin Benhar.PHP Programming/Data Structures - Wikibooks, open books for an ... en.wikibooks.org › wiki › PHP_Programming › Data_StructuresPHP has a legacy concept called "variable variables". This is an older, more limited programming concept that came before composite data structures were ...PHP 7 Data Structures and Algorithms [Book] - O'Reilly .oreilly › library › view › php-7-dataIncrease your productivity by implementing data structuresAbout This Book Gain a complete understanding of data structures using a simple approach Analyze ...mirahman/PHP-Data-Structure-and-Algorithms: A ... - GitHub github › mirahman › PHP-Data-Structure-and-AlgorithmsA repository with implementations of different data structures and algorithms using PHP - mirahman/PHP-Data-Structure-and-Algorithms. Siguiente > Iniciar sesiónPreferenciasPrivacidadCondiciones
Increase your productivity by implementing data structures
About This Book
- Gain a complete understanding of data structures using a simple approach
- Analyze algorithms and learn when you should apply each solution
- Explore the true potential of functional data structures
Who This Book Is For
This book is for those who want to learn data structures and algorithms with PHP for better control over application-solution, efficiency, and optimization.
A basic understanding of PHP data types, control structures, and other basic features is required
What You Will Learn
- Gain a better understanding of PHP arrays as a basic data structure and their hidden power
- Grasp how to analyze algorithms and the Big O Notation
- Implement linked lists, double linked lists, stack, queues, and priority queues using PHP
- Work with sorting, searching, and recursive algorithms
- Make use of greedy, dynamic, and pattern matching algorithms
- Implement tree, heaps, and graph algorithms
- Apply PHP functional data structures and built-in data structures and algorithms
In Detail
PHP has always been the the go-to language for web based application development, but there are materials and resources you can refer to to see how it works. Data structures and algorithms help you to code and execute them effectively, cutting down on processing time significantly.
If you want to explore data structures and algorithms in a practical way with real-life projects, then this book is for you.
The book begins by introducing you to data structures and algorithms and how to solve a problem from beginning to end using them. Once you are well aware of the basics, it covers the core aspects like arrays, listed lists, stacks and queues. It will take you through several methods of finding efficient algorithms and show you which ones you should implement in e ach scenario. In addition to this, you will explore the possibilities of functional data structures using PHP and go through advanced algorithms and graphs as well as dynamic programming.
By the end, you will be confident enough to tackle both basic and advanced data structures, understand how they work, and know when to use them in your day-to-day work
Style and approach
An easy-to-follow guide full of examples of implementation of data structures and real world examples to solve the problems faced. Each topic is first explained in general terms and then implemented using step by step explanation so that developers can understand each part of the discussion without any problem.

Algorithms and data structures are much more than abstract concepts. Mastering them enables you to write code that runs faster and more efficiently, which is particularly important for today's web and mobile apps. This book takes a practical approach to data structures and algorithms, with techniques and real-world scenarios that you can use in your daily production code. Graphics and examples make these computer science concepts understandable and relevant. You can use these techniques with any language; examples in the book are in JavaScript, Python, and Ruby.
Use Big O notation, the primary tool for evaluating algorithms, to measure and articulate the efficiency of your code, and modify your algorithm to make it faster. Find out how your choice of arrays, linked lists, and hash tables c an dramatically affect the code you write. Use recursion to solve tricky problems and create algorithms that run exponentially faster than the alternatives. Dig into advanced data structures such as binary trees and graphs to help scale specialized applications such as social networks and mapping software. You'll even encounter a single keyword that can give your code a turbo boost. Jay Wengrow brings to this book the key teaching practices he developed as a web development bootcamp founder and educator.
Use these techniques today to make your code faster and more scalable.
This book is for anyone who wants to learn computer programming and knows absolutely nothing about it. Of course, if you are wondering whether this book is going to teach you how to create amazing websites or incredible applications, the answer is "no"—that is a job for other books. So many books out there can teach you those skills in PHP, Java, C++, or C#. Many of them even claim that they can teach you in 24 hours! Don't laugh! They probably can do that, but all of them take one thing for granted—that the reader knows some basics about computer programming. None of those books, unfortunately, bothers to teach you the first thing that a novice programmer needs to learn, which is "Algorithmic Thinking."
Algorithmic Thinking involves more than just learning code. It is a problem solving process that involves learning how to code. With over 800 pages, and containing more than 300 solved and 400 unsolved exercises, over 450 true/false, 150 multiple choice, and 180 review questions (the solutions and the answers to which can be found on the Internet), this book is ideal for students, teachers, professors, novices or average programmers, or for anyone who wants to start learning or teaching computer programming using the proper conventions and techniques.
Ideal for
- Students, teachers or professors
- Novices or average programmers
- Anyone who wants to start learning or teaching computer programming

Book's Composition
This book is designed for interviews so in Chapter 0, various preparation plans are proposed. Then in chapters 1, a brief introduction of the programming language and concept of recursion is explained. A number of problems based on recursion and array are explained.
Then in the coming chapter, we will be looking into complexity analysis. Then we will be looking into Sorting & Searching techniques.
Then will look into the various data structures and their algorithms. We will be lookin g into a Linked List, Stack, Queue, Trees, Heap, Hash Table and Graphs.
Then we will be looking into algorithm analysis, we will be looking into Brute Force algorithms, Greedy algorithms, Divide & Conquer algorithms, Dynamic Programming, and Backtracking.
In the end, we will be looking into System Design, which will give a systematic approach for solving the design problems in an Interview.
Table of Contents
Chapter 0: How to use this book.
Chapter 1: Introduction - Programming Overview
Chapter 2: Algorithms Analysis
Chapter 3: Approach to solve algorithm design problems
Chapter 4: Abstract Data Type
Chapter 5: Searching
Chapter 6: Sorting
Chapter 7: Linked List
Chapter 8: Stack
Chapter 9: Queue
Chapter 10: Tree
Chapter 11: Priority Queue
Chapter 12: Hash-Table
Chapter 13: Graphs
Chapter 14: String Algorithms
Chapter 15: Algorithm Design Techniques
Chapter 16: Brute Force Algorit hm
Chapter 17: Greedy Algorithm
Chapter 18: Divide & Conquer
Chapter 19: Dynamic Programming
Chapter 20: Backtracking
Chapter 21: Complexity Theory
Chapter 22: Interview Strategy
Chapter 23: System Design

Take the guesswork out of using regular expressions. With more than 140 practical recipes, this cookbook provides everything you need to solve a wide range of real-world problems. Novices will learn basic skills and tools, and programmers and experienced users will find a wealth of detail. Each recipe provides samples you can use right away.
This revised edition covers the regular expression flavors used by C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and VB.NET. You'll learn powerful new tricks, avoid flavor-specific gotchas, and save valuable time with this huge library of practical solutions.
- Learn regular expressions basics through a detailed tutorial
- Use code listings to implement regular expressions with your language of choice
- Understand how regular expressions differ from language to language
- Handle common user input with recipes for validation and formatting
- Find and manipulate words, special characters, and lines of text
- Detect integers, floating-point numbers, and other numerical formats
- Parse source code and process log files
- Use regular expressions in URLs, paths, and IP addresses
- Manipulate HTML, XML, and data exchange formats
- Discover little-known regular expression tricks and techniques

- Build a secure database-driven website using PHP 7, MySQL 8, and MariaDB
- Create a product catalog
- Write a message board
- Move towards e-commerce
- Employ security and validation measures
- Migrate to Oracle's MySQL 8 Server platform

About This Book
This Book Absolutely for Beginners:
"Python in 8 Hours" covers all essential Python language knowledge. You can learn complete primary skills of Python programming fast and easily. The book includes more than 80 practical examples for beginners and includes tests & answers for the college exam, the engineer certification exam, and the job interview exam.
Source Code for Download:
This book provides source code for download; you can download the source code for better study, or copy the source code to your favorite editor to test the programs. .
Download link: forms.aweber.com/form/53/519080053.htm
Table of Contents
Hour 1 Start Python
Hour 2 Statement
Hour 3 Function
Hour 4 Data Structures
Hour 5 Strings
Hour 6 Input & Output
Hour 7 Module & Exception
Hour 8 Class & Object
Appendix Python Summary Charts
Appendix Python Tests & Answers
Click the Buy button now, start coding today!

*Highlights the most popular PostgreSQL APIs, including C, Perl, PHP, and Java
*This is two books in one; it simultaneously covers key relational database design principles, while teaching PostgreSQL

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