★ Examinating 'php visual guide ' amazing product ➫ PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide .. ➫ today 06 Jul 2019
PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide (5th Edition) 2019
There are also other versions that may interest you - PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide (5th Edition) 2019
- PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide 2019
- PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide (4th Edition) 2019
- Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5 (Learning PHP, MYSQL, Javascript, CSS & HTML5) 2019
- Mastering PHP 7: Design, configure, build, and test professional web applications 2019
- PHP Advanced and Object-Oriented Programming: Visual QuickPro Guide (3rd Edition) (Visual QuickPro Guides) 2019
- Web Design with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery Set 2019
- The Joy of PHP: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Interactive Web Applications with PHP and mySQL 2019
- Kotlin Programming Language. In 8 Hours, For Beginners, Learn Coding Fast! Kotlin Crash Course, A QuickStart eBook & Tutorial Book by the Program Examples, In Easy Steps! An Ultimate Beginner's Guide 2019
- PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide (5th Edition) Peachpit Pr Learn PHP programming the quick and easy way!
With PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide readers can start from the beginning to get a tour of the programming language, or look up specific tasks to learn just what they need to know.
This task-based visual reference guide uses step-by-step instructions and plenty of screenshots to teach beginning and intermediate users this popular open-source scripting language. Author Larry Ullman guides readers through the ins and outs of both PHP 5 and PHP 7, and offers more efficient ways to tackle common needs.
Both beginning users, who want a thorough introduction to the technology, and more intermediate users, who are looking for a convenient reference, will find what they need here--in straightforward language and through readily accessible examples.
- Easy visual approach uses demonstrations and real-world examples to gu ide you through dynamic web development using PHP and show you what to do step by step.
- Concise steps and explanations let you get up and running in no time.
- Essential reference guide keeps you coming back again and again.
- Whether you're a programming newbie or an experienced veteran learning PHP for the first time, this book will teach you all you need to know, including the latest changes in PHP and more efficient ways to tackle common needs.
Contact seller - PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide
Learn PHP and MySQL programming— the quick and easy way!
Easy visual approach uses demonstrations and real-world examples to guide you step by step through advanced techniques for dynamic Web development using PHP and MySQL.
• Concise steps and explanations let you get up and running in no time.
• Essential reference guide keeps you coming back again and again.
• Whether you're new to programming or an experienced veteran just needing to get up to speed on PHP and MySQL, this book will teach you all you need to know, including the latest changes in the languages, and much more!
Contact seller - PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide (4th Edition) With PHP for the World Wide Web, Fourth Edition: Visual QuickStart Guide, readers can start from the beginning to get a tour of the programming language, or look up specific tasks to learn just what they need to know. This task-based visual reference guide uses step-by-step instructions and plenty of screenshots to teach beginning and intermediate users this popular open-source scripting language. Leading technology author Larry Ullman guides readers through the latest developments including use and awareness of HTML5 with PHP. Other addressed changes include removal of outdated functions and more efficient ways to tackle common needs.
Both beginning users, who want a thorough introduction to the technology, and more intermediate users, who are looking for a convenient reference, will find what they need here--in straightforward language and through readily accessible examples.
Contact seller - Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5 (Learning PHP, MYSQL, Javascript, CSS & HTML5)
Build interactive, data-driven websites with the potent combination of open source technologies and web standards, even if you have only basic HTML knowledge. In this update to this popular hands-on guide, you'll tackle dynamic web programming with the latest versions of today's core technologies: PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, and key jQuery libraries.
Web designers will learn how to use these technologies together and pick up valuable web programming practices along the way—including how to optimize websites for mobile devices. At the end of the book, you'll put everything together to build a fully functional social networking site suitable for both desktop and mobile browsers.
- Explore MySQL, from database structure to complex queries
- Use the MySQLi extension, PHP's improved MySQL interface
- Create dynamic PHP web pages that tailor themsel ves to the user
- Manage cookies and sessions and maintain a high level of security
- Enhance the JavaScript language with jQuery and jQuery mobile libraries
- Use Ajax calls for background browser-server communication
- Style your web pages by acquiring CSS2 and CSS3 skills
- Implement HTML5 features, including geolocation, audio, video, and the canvas element
- Reformat your websites into mobile web apps
Contact seller - Mastering PHP 7: Design, configure, build, and test professional web applications
Effective, readable, and robust codes in PHP
Key Features
- Leverage the newest tools available in PHP 7 to build scalable applications
- Embrace serverless architecture and the reactive programming paradigm, which are the latest additions to the PHP ecosystem
- Explore dependency injection and implement design patterns to write elegant code
Book Description
PHP is a server-side scripting language that is widely used for web development. With this book, you will get a deep understanding of the advanced programming concepts in PHP and how to apply it practically
The book starts by unveiling the new features of PHP 7 and walks you through several important standards set by PHP Framework Interop Group (PHP-FIG). You'll see, in detail, the working of all magic methods, and the importance of effective PHP OOP concepts, which will enable you to write effective PHP code. You will find out how to implement design patterns and r esolve dependencies to make your code base more elegant and readable. You will also build web services alongside microservices architecture, interact with databases, and work around third-party packages to enrich applications. This book delves into the details of PHP performance optimization. You will learn about serverless architecture and the reactive programming paradigm that found its way in the PHP ecosystem. The book also explores the best ways of testing your code, debugging, tracing, profiling, and deploying your PHP application.
By the end of the book, you will be able to create readable, reliable, and robust applications in PHP to meet modern day requirements in the software industry.
What you will learn
- Grasp the current state of PHP language and the PHP standards
- Effectively implement logging and error handling during development
- Build services through SOAP and REST and Apache Trift
- Get to know the benefits of serverless a rchitecture
- Understand the basic principles of reactive programming to write asynchronous code
- Practically implement several important design patterns
- Write efficient code by executing dependency injection
- See the working of all magic methods
- Handle the command-line area tools and processes
- Control the development process with proper debugging and profiling
Who This Book Is For
This book is for intermediate level developers who want to become a master of PHP. Basic knowledge of PHP is required across areas such as basic syntax, types, variables, constants, expressions, operators, control structures, and functions.
Table of Contents
- The All New PHP
- Embracing Standards
- Error Handling and Logging
- Magic Behind Magic Methods
- The Realm of CLI
- Prominent OOP Features
- Optimizing for High Performance
- Going Serverless
- Reactive Programming
- Common Design Patterns
- Building Services
- Working with Databases
- Resolving Dependencies
- Working with Packages
- Testing the Important Bits
- Debugging, Tracing, and Profiling
- Hosting, Provisioning, and Deployment
Contact seller - PHP Advanced and Object-Oriented Programming: Visual QuickPro Guide (3rd Edition) (Visual QuickPro Guides) Used Book in Good Condition Readers can take their PHP skills to the next level with this fully revised and updated PHP Advanced: Visual QuickPro Guide, Third Edition! Filled with fourteen chapters of step-by-step content and written by bestselling author and PHP programmer Larry Ullman, this guide teaches specific topics in direct, focused segments, shows how PHP is used in real-world applications. The book teaches developing web applications using advanced PHP techniques and advanced database concepts, and this edition offers several chapters devoted to object-oriented programming and all-new chapters on debugging, testing, and performance. Author hosts a popular companion website at larryullman.com, where readers can freely download code used in the book, access a user forum and book updates, and get advice directly from the author.
Contact seller - Web Design with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery Set Wiley A two-book set for web designers and front-end developers
This two-book set combines the titles HTML & CSS: Designing and Building Web Sites and JavaScript & jQuery: Interactive Front-End Development. Together these two books form an ideal platform for anyone who wants to master HTML and CSS before stepping up to JavaScript and jQuery.
HTML & CSS covers structure, text, links, images, tables, forms, useful options, adding style with CSS, fonts, colors, thinking in boxes, styling lists and tables, layouts, grids, and even SEO, Google analytics, ftp, and HTML5. JavaScript & jQuery offers an excellent combined introduction to these two technologies using a clear and simple visual approach using diagrams, infographics, and photographs.
- A handy two-book set that uniquely combine s related technologies
- Highly visual format and accessible language makes these books highly effective learning tools
- Perfect for beginning web designers and front-end developers
Contact seller - The Joy of PHP: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Interactive Web Applications with PHP and mySQL
How to program interactive web applications with PHP and mySQL-- even if you've never programmed before
Have you ever wanted to design your own website or browser application but thought it would be too difficult or maybe just didn't know where to start? Have you found the amount of information on the Internet either too daunting or not geared for your skill set or worse-- just plain boring? Are you interested in learning to program PHP and have some fun along the way? If so, then The Joy of PHP 5th edition by Alan Forbes is the book for you!!
PHP Beginners: Start Here
Alan starts with some basic HTML so the absolute beginner can catch up quickly and then goes step by step on how PHP works. You start with the easy stuff--like how to create and run simple PHP scripts that modify web pages-- and then build on what you've learned through a series of cohesive (and fun) exercises that carry over from lesson to lesson.
As the chapters progress you begin to build a web site for a growing used car dealership business. This approach keeps the material fun and challenging-- and gives what you've learned a context to be relevant. A car dealership needs a constantly changing web site because the inventory of cars is always changing. HTML is not the answer for this kind of web site-- but PHP and mySQL are the answer
Throughout the book you will be working with the web site for the car dealership and adding features and modifying it as the needs of the business (and your knowledge) grow. This writing style reinforces the previous lessons and keeps you engaged in a "real" project -- giving you both a sense of accomplishment and an opportunity to apply what you've learned to a realistic scenario. You are far more likely to retain what you've learned using this approach than just reading dry syntax documentation.
The author has an easy and fun style of writing t hat teaches you PHP in a simple, matter of fact manner while showing you the most common uses of the commands you need to get the job done. This keeps your learning pace quick and uncluttered. If you need it, he also points you to several resources where you can learn more about the other options a PHP function can offer and-- even better--how to read and understand those resources.
If you want to learn the PHP language in an easy, enjoyable, well laid out manner and to learn why PHP and mySQL are so powerful and fun to use then buy this book!! Do not buy this book if you are looking for a comprehensive reference of boring PHP syntax.
This book does not attempt to cover everything about PHP. What it does do-- and does well-- is take you from being a beginner who isn't even sure what PHP is to someone who knows the sheer joy that only programming dynamic sites can provide. Y ou will become someone who can read, write, and modify PHP scripts and you will be able make your website come alive.
Bonus Code
All the source code referenced in the book is available for easy download and well organized. You don't have to cut and paste out of Kindle or retype code, unless you want to. The updated 5th edition offers Docker images.
Topics Covered...
- Installing and configuring PHP
- Introduction to HTML
- Basic PHP Syntax
- Some Fun Right Away
- Editors and Staying Organized
- Variables, Numbers, Dates and Strings
- Control Structures
- How to use a database, such as mySQL
- Using PHP and mySQL Together
- How to create forms to Display, Add, Edit, and Delete data
- Session Variables
- Working with Images
- PHP File Uploads
- PHP Quirks and Tips
- Security Considerations
This book is NOT the only book you'll ever need to master PHP. Rather, it's a gentle introduction to a very rich topic. The hope of the author is to show you that PHP isn't really that scary after all, it is something YOU can do, and it can even bring you joy once you get it.
Contact seller - Kotlin Programming Language. In 8 Hours, For Beginners, Learn Coding Fast! Kotlin Crash Course, A QuickStart eBook & Tutorial Book by the Program Examples, In Easy Steps! An Ultimate Beginner's Guide This is a zero-risk investment, If you are not satisfied with the eBook, you can get a full refund within 7 days!
About This Book
This Book Absolutely for Beginners:
"Kotlin in 8 Hours" covers all essential Kotlin language knowledge. You can learn complete primary skills of Kotlin programming fast and easily. The book includes more than 80 practical examples for beginners and includes tests & answers for the college exam, the engineer certification exam, and the job interview exam.
Source Code for Download:
This book provides source code for download; you can download the source code for better study, or copy the source code to your favorite editor to test the programs.
Source code download link: forms.aweber.com/form/14/817132614.htm
Table of Contents:
Hour 1
What is Kotlin?
Install JDK
Install the IDE
Hour 2
Kotlin Output
Data TypeData Type Conversion
Escape Sequences
Hour 3
Arithmetical Operators
/>Comparison Operators
/>Assignment Operators
/>Monadic Operator
Logical Operators
The Value of Variable
Kotlin Input
Hour 4
If-else Statement
When Statement
For Loop
While Loop
Do-While Loop
Break Statement
Continue Statement
Hour 5
Array Assignment
Array Accessment
Other Type Arrays
Array Size
Array Default Values
Iterate Through Array (1)
Iterate Throug h Array (2)
Hour 6
Raw String
String Length
String Access
String Template
String Functions
String Functions Example
Two String Values
$ Symbol
The Last Index
Hour 7
Default Parameters
Pass Parameters
Recursive Function
Lambda Function
High Level Function
Lambda & H.L.Function (1)
Lambda & H.L.Function (2)
Inline Function
Hour 8
Class & Object
Constructor (1)
Constructor (2)
Appendix 1
Abstract Class
Access Modifiers
Appendix 2
Recommended Books
Click the Buy button now, start coding today!
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php visual guide__ - Buscar con Google ×Haz clic aquí si no vuelves a acceder en pocos segundos. Todos ImágenesVideosNoticias Maps Shopping Libros Herramientas de búsqueda Todas las duraciones Todas las duracionesCorto (de 0 a 4 min)Mediana (de 4 a 20 min)Larga (de 20 min o más)Cualquier idioma Cualquier idiomaBuscar páginas en EspañolDe cualquier fecha De cualquier fecha Última hora Últimas 24 horas Última semana Último mes Último añoTodos los resultados Todos los resultadosPalabra por palabraQuizás quisiste decir: php visual guide¿PHP en Visual Studio? | Pruebe PHP Tools | DevSense Anuncio .devsense / Convierta Visual Studio en un poderoso ambiente de desarollo para PHP. Microsoft Partner. 30 días de prueba. Visual Studio Partner. Servicios: Depurador visual, Manual PHP integrado, Funciones de navegación, Refactorización, PHP Intellisense.Conocer el IDE · Compra · CaracterísticasProgramación Orientada a Objetos en PHP para Principiant es code.tutsplus › object-oriented-php-for-beginners--net-1276223 dic. 2011 · Para manejar esto, PHP nos da el método mágico __construct() , el cual ..... completa de los métodos mágicos, mira la página del manual PHP ...Debugging in PHP - Manual - PHP .php.net › manual › debugger4 mar. 2019 · None of the given examples here do fit my needs. When I debug, I want to see clearly what's going on and where is the debug data. Also it has ...PHP Cheat Sheet (.PDF Version Included) - websitesetup.org websitesetup.org › php-cheat-sheet5 jun. 2018 · Bookmark the page or download the PHP cheat sheet PDF to your computer. ... and acts as a quick reference guide for those using PHP for web development. ..... __DIR__ — The directory of the file; __FUNCTION__ — Name of the .... hebrevc() — Converts Hebrew text to visual text and implements HTML ...Tutorial Visual Studio Code, el Nuevo Rey de los Editores de ... .youtube › watch2 2 mar. 2018 · Con este video empezamos una pequeña serie en la cual vamos a repasar las características del ...Duración: 15:44 Publicado: 22 mar. 2018Extensiones que yo utilizo en Visual Studio Code [2/5] - YouTube .youtube › watch23 mar. 2018 · En este video te voy a mostrar las extensiones que utilizo yo en VS Code a la hora de escribir ...Duración: 16:02 Publicado: 23 mar. 2018Learn PHP in 15 minutes - YouTube .youtube › watch15 ene. 2013 · PHP is one of the most useful languages to know and is used everywhere you look online. In ...Duración: 15:00 Publicado: 15 ene. 2013Visual Studio Code Tutorial for Beginners - Introduction - YouTube .youtube › watch24 may. 2018 · Are you looking for a free, cross-platform and highly customizable code editor? Learn VS Code ...Duración: 33:49 Publicado: 24 may. 2018PHP Coding Guidelines & Best Practices — Flow Framework 5.3.x ... flowframework.readthedocs.io › stable › TheDefinitiv eGuide › PartVYou will have to overcome that in the case of Flow; the visual guidelines must ... Follow the PSR-2 standard for code formatting; Almost every PHP file in Flow .... Constructors must always be called __construct() , never use the class name as a ...paysera/php-style-guide: PHP Style guilde - GitHub github › paysera › php-style-guideContribute to paysera/php-style-guide development by creating an account on GitHub. ... <?php class Service { public function __construct(SomeService $s, ...Imágenes Ver todos Ver todosBúsquedas relacionadas programacion orientada a objetos php pdf >manual visual studio code español pdf >php poo pdf >extensiones php para visual studio code >poo php >las mejores extensiones para visual studio code 2019 >visual studio code tutorial español pdf >poo php ejemplos > Siguiente > Iniciar sesiónPreferenciasPrivacidadCondiciones
Both beginning users, who want a thorough introduction to the technology, and more intermediate users, who are looking for a convenient reference, will find what they need here--in straightforward language and through readily accessible examples.
- Easy visual approach uses demonstrations and real-world examples to gu ide you through dynamic web development using PHP and show you what to do step by step.
- Concise steps and explanations let you get up and running in no time.
- Essential reference guide keeps you coming back again and again.
- Whether you're a programming newbie or an experienced veteran learning PHP for the first time, this book will teach you all you need to know, including the latest changes in PHP and more efficient ways to tackle common needs.

Learn PHP and MySQL programming— the quick and easy way!
Easy visual approach uses demonstrations and real-world examples to guide you step by step through advanced techniques for dynamic Web development using PHP and MySQL.
• Concise steps and explanations let you get up and running in no time.
• Essential reference guide keeps you coming back again and again.
• Whether you're new to programming or an experienced veteran just needing to get up to speed on PHP and MySQL, this book will teach you all you need to know, including the latest changes in the languages, and much more!

Both beginning users, who want a thorough introduction to the technology, and more intermediate users, who are looking for a convenient reference, will find what they need here--in straightforward language and through readily accessible examples.

Build interactive, data-driven websites with the potent combination of open source technologies and web standards, even if you have only basic HTML knowledge. In this update to this popular hands-on guide, you'll tackle dynamic web programming with the latest versions of today's core technologies: PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, and key jQuery libraries.
Web designers will learn how to use these technologies together and pick up valuable web programming practices along the way—including how to optimize websites for mobile devices. At the end of the book, you'll put everything together to build a fully functional social networking site suitable for both desktop and mobile browsers.
- Explore MySQL, from database structure to complex queries
- Use the MySQLi extension, PHP's improved MySQL interface
- Create dynamic PHP web pages that tailor themsel ves to the user
- Manage cookies and sessions and maintain a high level of security
- Enhance the JavaScript language with jQuery and jQuery mobile libraries
- Use Ajax calls for background browser-server communication
- Style your web pages by acquiring CSS2 and CSS3 skills
- Implement HTML5 features, including geolocation, audio, video, and the canvas element
- Reformat your websites into mobile web apps

Effective, readable, and robust codes in PHP
Key Features
- Leverage the newest tools available in PHP 7 to build scalable applications
- Embrace serverless architecture and the reactive programming paradigm, which are the latest additions to the PHP ecosystem
- Explore dependency injection and implement design patterns to write elegant code
Book Description
PHP is a server-side scripting language that is widely used for web development. With this book, you will get a deep understanding of the advanced programming concepts in PHP and how to apply it practically
The book starts by unveiling the new features of PHP 7 and walks you through several important standards set by PHP Framework Interop Group (PHP-FIG). You'll see, in detail, the working of all magic methods, and the importance of effective PHP OOP concepts, which will enable you to write effective PHP code. You will find out how to implement design patterns and r esolve dependencies to make your code base more elegant and readable. You will also build web services alongside microservices architecture, interact with databases, and work around third-party packages to enrich applications. This book delves into the details of PHP performance optimization. You will learn about serverless architecture and the reactive programming paradigm that found its way in the PHP ecosystem. The book also explores the best ways of testing your code, debugging, tracing, profiling, and deploying your PHP application.
By the end of the book, you will be able to create readable, reliable, and robust applications in PHP to meet modern day requirements in the software industry.
What you will learn
- Grasp the current state of PHP language and the PHP standards
- Effectively implement logging and error handling during development
- Build services through SOAP and REST and Apache Trift
- Get to know the benefits of serverless a rchitecture
- Understand the basic principles of reactive programming to write asynchronous code
- Practically implement several important design patterns
- Write efficient code by executing dependency injection
- See the working of all magic methods
- Handle the command-line area tools and processes
- Control the development process with proper debugging and profiling
Who This Book Is For
This book is for intermediate level developers who want to become a master of PHP. Basic knowledge of PHP is required across areas such as basic syntax, types, variables, constants, expressions, operators, control structures, and functions.
Table of Contents
- The All New PHP
- Embracing Standards
- Error Handling and Logging
- Magic Behind Magic Methods
- The Realm of CLI
- Prominent OOP Features
- Optimizing for High Performance
- Going Serverless
- Reactive Programming
- Common Design Patterns
- Building Services
- Working with Databases
- Resolving Dependencies
- Working with Packages
- Testing the Important Bits
- Debugging, Tracing, and Profiling
- Hosting, Provisioning, and Deployment

This two-book set combines the titles HTML & CSS: Designing and Building Web Sites and JavaScript & jQuery: Interactive Front-End Development. Together these two books form an ideal platform for anyone who wants to master HTML and CSS before stepping up to JavaScript and jQuery.
HTML & CSS covers structure, text, links, images, tables, forms, useful options, adding style with CSS, fonts, colors, thinking in boxes, styling lists and tables, layouts, grids, and even SEO, Google analytics, ftp, and HTML5. JavaScript & jQuery offers an excellent combined introduction to these two technologies using a clear and simple visual approach using diagrams, infographics, and photographs.
- A handy two-book set that uniquely combine s related technologies
- Highly visual format and accessible language makes these books highly effective learning tools
- Perfect for beginning web designers and front-end developers

How to program interactive web applications with PHP and mySQL-- even if you've never programmed before
Have you ever wanted to design your own website or browser application but thought it would be too difficult or maybe just didn't know where to start? Have you found the amount of information on the Internet either too daunting or not geared for your skill set or worse-- just plain boring? Are you interested in learning to program PHP and have some fun along the way? If so, then The Joy of PHP 5th edition by Alan Forbes is the book for you!!
PHP Beginners: Start Here
Alan starts with some basic HTML so the absolute beginner can catch up quickly and then goes step by step on how PHP works. You start with the easy stuff--like how to create and run simple PHP scripts that modify web pages-- and then build on what you've learned through a series of cohesive (and fun) exercises that carry over from lesson to lesson.
As the chapters progress you begin to build a web site for a growing used car dealership business. This approach keeps the material fun and challenging-- and gives what you've learned a context to be relevant. A car dealership needs a constantly changing web site because the inventory of cars is always changing. HTML is not the answer for this kind of web site-- but PHP and mySQL are the answer
Throughout the book you will be working with the web site for the car dealership and adding features and modifying it as the needs of the business (and your knowledge) grow. This writing style reinforces the previous lessons and keeps you engaged in a "real" project -- giving you both a sense of accomplishment and an opportunity to apply what you've learned to a realistic scenario. You are far more likely to retain what you've learned using this approach than just reading dry syntax documentation.
The author has an easy and fun style of writing t hat teaches you PHP in a simple, matter of fact manner while showing you the most common uses of the commands you need to get the job done. This keeps your learning pace quick and uncluttered. If you need it, he also points you to several resources where you can learn more about the other options a PHP function can offer and-- even better--how to read and understand those resources.
If you want to learn the PHP language in an easy, enjoyable, well laid out manner and to learn why PHP and mySQL are so powerful and fun to use then buy this book!! Do not buy this book if you are looking for a comprehensive reference of boring PHP syntax.
This book does not attempt to cover everything about PHP. What it does do-- and does well-- is take you from being a beginner who isn't even sure what PHP is to someone who knows the sheer joy that only programming dynamic sites can provide. Y ou will become someone who can read, write, and modify PHP scripts and you will be able make your website come alive.
Bonus Code
All the source code referenced in the book is available for easy download and well organized. You don't have to cut and paste out of Kindle or retype code, unless you want to. The updated 5th edition offers Docker images.
Topics Covered...
- Installing and configuring PHP
- Introduction to HTML
- Basic PHP Syntax
- Some Fun Right Away
- Editors and Staying Organized
- Variables, Numbers, Dates and Strings
- Control Structures
- How to use a database, such as mySQL
- Using PHP and mySQL Together
- How to create forms to Display, Add, Edit, and Delete data
- Session Variables
- Working with Images
- PHP File Uploads
- PHP Quirks and Tips
- Security Considerations
This book is NOT the only book you'll ever need to master PHP. Rather, it's a gentle introduction to a very rich topic. The hope of the author is to show you that PHP isn't really that scary after all, it is something YOU can do, and it can even bring you joy once you get it.

About This Book
This Book Absolutely for Beginners:
"Kotlin in 8 Hours" covers all essential Kotlin language knowledge. You can learn complete primary skills of Kotlin programming fast and easily. The book includes more than 80 practical examples for beginners and includes tests & answers for the college exam, the engineer certification exam, and the job interview exam.
Source Code for Download:
This book provides source code for download; you can download the source code for better study, or copy the source code to your favorite editor to test the programs.
Source code download link: forms.aweber.com/form/14/817132614.htm
Table of Contents:
Hour 1
What is Kotlin?
Install JDK
Install the IDE
Hour 2
Kotlin Output
Data TypeData Type Conversion
Escape Sequences
Hour 3
Arithmetical Operators
/>Comparison Operators
/>Assignment Operators
/>Monadic Operator
Logical Operators
The Value of Variable
Kotlin Input
Hour 4
If-else Statement
When Statement
For Loop
While Loop
Do-While Loop
Break Statement
Continue Statement
Hour 5
Array Assignment
Array Accessment
Other Type Arrays
Array Size
Array Default Values
Iterate Through Array (1)
Iterate Throug h Array (2)
Hour 6
Raw String
String Length
String Access
String Template
String Functions
String Functions Example
Two String Values
$ Symbol
The Last Index
Hour 7
Default Parameters
Pass Parameters
Recursive Function
Lambda Function
High Level Function
Lambda & H.L.Function (1)
Lambda & H.L.Function (2)
Inline Function
Hour 8
Class & Object
Constructor (1)
Constructor (2)
Appendix 1
Abstract Class
Access Modifiers
Appendix 2
Recommended Books
Click the Buy button now, start coding today!

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