➫ The best The Joy of PHP: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Interactive Web Applications with PHP and mySQL ★ 2019
The Joy of PHP: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Interactive Web Applications with PHP and mySQL 2019
There are also other versions that may interest you - PHP: Basic Fundamental Guide for Beginners 2019
- The Joy of PHP: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Interactive Web Applications with PHP and mySQL 2019
- C++: The Ultimate Crash Course to Learning C++ (from basics to advanced) (guide,C Programming, HTML, Javascript, Programming,all,internet, Coding, CSS, Java, PHP Book 2) 2019
- PHP: Learn PHP In 2 Hours 2019
- Programming for Beginners: 6 Books in 1 - Swift+PHP+Java+Javascript+Html+CSS: Basic Fundamental Guide for Beginners 2019
- Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5 (Learning Php, Mysql, Javascript, Css & Html5) 2019
- PHP For Beginners 2019: complete step-by-step guide 2019
- JavaScript: Basic Fundamental Guide for Beginners 2019
- Computer Programming for Beginners: Fundamentals of Programming Terms and Concepts 2019
- PHP: Basic Fundamental Guide for Beginners Are you new to PHP? Maybe you want to learn more about PHP programming, but you don't know where to start? Regardless of your skill level, this book will provide you with the right foundation so you can start building dynamic and interactive websites yourself. Not only that, but this book will also help enhance your PHP coding skills.
Learn more than just what you should type in your favorite text editor. The book will teach you the fundamentals so that when you get down to coding your favorite PHP application, there's no second-guessing. You will learn PHP in a way which most experienced PHP coders never do. Challenge your PHP coding skills and allow your confidence level to rise to new heights.
This PHP: Basic Fundamental Guide for Beginners is a fast-paced book perfect for PHP beginners who want to master the art of writing quality PHP code. Have a close look at the loops, decisions, functions, and a whole lot more. You will also discover the basic synt ax that's applied when writing PHP applications. Are you curious to learn how PHP works? Fortunately, this book is designed for beginners like you.
The book starts off with basic syntax and the 'Hello World' program. If you want a book which will guide you so you can how to code, when, what, and why you need to code, then PHP: Basic Fundamental Guide for beginners is the perfect book for you. With the help of this book, you are going to learn:
•How you can set up your PHP environment to create your first PHP program
•How you can easily input PHP values for web users
•Learn more about operators, expressions, arrays, and the variables in PHP
•Discover the power of conditional statements
•Discover how to insert, delete, and update data in a database
•Learn how to secure your passwords in PHP
•How to build a complete member registration system
This book is right for you if you are just new to PHP and you want to get started on coding with it. Do you want to learn how to build your first PHP web application? PHP: Basic Fundamental Guide for Beginners has everything you have been looking for. Grab your copy today, so you can finally polish your PHP programming skills.
Contact seller - The Joy of PHP: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Interactive Web Applications with PHP and mySQL Third Edition now with bonus chapters. Have you ever wanted to design your own website or browser application but thought it would be too difficult or just didn't know where to start? Have you found the amount of information on the Internet either too daunting or not geared for your skill set or worse-- just plain boring? Are you interested in learning to program PHP and have some fun along the way? If so, then The Joy of PHP by Alan Forbes is the book for you!! Alan starts with some basic HTML so the absolute beginner can catch up quickly and then goes step by step on how PHP works. You start with the easy stuff--like how to create and run simple PHP scripts that modify web pages-- and then build on what you've learned through a series of cohesive (and fun) exercises that carry over from lesson to lesson. As the chapters progress you begin to build a web site for a growing used car dealership business. This approach keeps the material fun and challenging-- and gives what you've learned a context to be relevant. A car dealership needs a constantly changing web site because the inventory of cars is always changing. HTML is not the answer for this kind of web site-- but PHP and mySQL are! Throughout the book you will be working with the web site for the car dealership and adding features and modifying it as the needs of the business (and your knowledge) grow. This writing style reinforces the previous lessons and keeps you engaged in a "real" project -- giving you both a sense of accomplishment and an opportunity to apply what you've learned to a realistic scenario. You are far more likely to retain what you've learned using this approach than just reading dry syntax documentation. The author has an easy and fun style of writing that teaches you PHP in a simple, matter of fact manner while showing you the most common uses of the commands you need to get the job done. This k eeps your learning pace quick and uncluttered. If you need it, he also points you to several resources where you can learn more about the other options a PHP function can offer and-- even better--how to read and understand those resources. If you want to learn the PHP language in an easy, enjoyable, well laid out manner and to learn why PHP and mySQL are so powerful and fun to use then buy this book!! Do not buy this book if you are looking for a comprehensive reference of boring PHP syntax. This book does not attempt to cover everything about PHP. What it does do-- and does well-- is take you from being a beginner who isn't even sure what PHP is to someone who knows the sheer joy that only programming dynamic sites can provide. You will become someone who can read, write, and modify PHP scripts and you will be able make your website come alive. Bonus Code All the source code referenced in the book is available for easy download and well organized. You don't have to cut and paste ou t of Kindle or retype code, unless you want to. There is even a video tutorial showing how to get started. Topics Covered... - Installing and configuring PHP - Introduction to HTML - Basic PHP Syntax - Some Fun Right Away - Editors and Staying Organized - Variables, Numbers, Dates and Strings - Control Structures - How to use a database, such as mySQL - Using PHP and mySQL Together - How to create forms to Display, Add, Edit, and Delete data - Session Variables - Working with Images - PHP File Uploads - PHP Quirks and Tips - Security Considerations This book is NOT the only book you'll ever need to read to master PHP. The book is a gentle introduction to a very rich topic. The hope of the author is to show you that PHP isn't really that scary after all, it is something YOU can do, and it can even bring you joy once you get it.
Contact seller - C++: The Ultimate Crash Course to Learning C++ (from basics to advanced) (guide,C Programming, HTML, Javascript, Programming,all,internet, Coding, CSS, Java, PHP Book 2)
The Ultimate Crash Course to Learning C++ (from basics to advanced)
If you have been looking for a new and easy way to learn C++ look no further. This book will teach you the basics about C++ and how to get started as well as more advanced issues. This tutorial is suitable for users with no experience or basic knowledge of general programming. This book is not only for individuals wanting to learn the basics of C++. If you are a programmer or looking to get into programming, you are probably wondering what C++11 and C++ 14 have to offer. You're probably wondering about their major differences and ultimately what it can do to help you code more effectively. This book is here to provide that information.
Here is a preview of what you'll learn:
- How to structure a C++ program
- How to create basic I/O programs
- Programs to use when programming on C++ in different operating systems
- How to work with arrays
- How to use functions
- How C++ works with Object Oriented Programming
- How C++ works with Object Oriented Programming
- Multithreading support
- Generic programming support
- Uniform initialization
- Performance
- C++ Standard Library
Download your copy of "C++" by scrolling up and clicking "Buy Now With 1-Click" button.
Tags:C++, The Ultimate Crash Course, Effective Modern С++, C++ 11, C++ 14,Learning the Basics of C++, С programming, C++ in easy steps, C++ programming, Start coding, C++ programming language, HTML, Javascript, Programming, Developers, Coding, CSS, Java, C++, Javascript, PHP, Python, Sql, Swift, C++, Programming for Beginners, c primer plus, C Programming for Beginners, hackers, hacking, how to hack, hacking exposed, hacking system, hacking 101, hacking for dummies, Hacking Guide, Hacking Essentials, Computer Bugs, Se curity Breach, internet skills, hacking techniques, computer hacking, hacking the system, web hacking, hack attack.
Contact seller - PHP: Learn PHP In 2 Hours
Welcome Future Coder! Are You Ready To Learn And Start Programming With PHP In 2 Hours?
PHP or PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is a programming language, which was designed with the objective to allow creation of dynamic content. Moreover, PHP also enables this dynamic content to interact with databases. As a result, the most intuitive application of PHP is for development of web-based software applications. This book is an introductory tutorial to help you learn PHP from scratch and build the right foundation for advanced lessons in this programming language. This book includes several sample codes, which have been provided to give you the real-world programming experience. Go ahead and execute these codes for a better learning experience. Besides this, you may also try variations of code because the best way to learn a programming language is by writing programs in it. We wish you a fruitful experience. Happy Coding! Learn, practice, and enjoy your new acquired skills! Her e Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn…
- Overview
- Basic Syntax
- Variables
- Operators
- Decision making
- Loops
- Much, much more!
Download your copy today
Contact seller - Programming for Beginners: 6 Books in 1 - Swift+PHP+Java+Javascript+Html+CSS: Basic Fundamental Guide for Beginners
Are you looking forward to learning computer programming? No matter your skill level, this powerful blueprint six books in one will get the ball rolling to help you begin and start up with this basic fundamental guide for beginners.
SWIFT is designed to help new starters learn Swift programming and build a strong foundation in fundamentals of using Swift. In this book, you will get a practical experience of how to code in Swift language, techniques, tools, and concepts to help you obtain the basic skills Swift.
PHP is a fast-paced book perfect for PHP beginners who want to master the art of writing quality PHP code. Have a close look at the loops, decisions, functions, and a whole lot more. You will also discover the basic syntax that's applied when writing PHP applications. Are you curious to learn how PHP works? Fortunately, this book is designed for beginners like you.
JA VA: You will develop knowledge about object-oriented programming, data types, and how to use control statements in Java. You will learn more than what you need to code in Java.
JAVASCRIPT: It's an extremely popular language that's used in most web applications. JavaScript is one of the best possible things you can learn in the age of the modern Internet, and you're inevitably going to end up using the knowledge constantly.
HTML: Using the Internet would be a vastly different experience, so it's no wonder that so many people opt to learn the markup language. Whether you decide to explore HTML as a hobby or for use in a more professional setting, you'll soon gain a deep appreciation for the language and its applications.
CSS: Whether you're exploring CSS to complement a hobby or to advance your career, this book will allow you to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for its applications.
So buy this audiobook today, so you can finally polish your progra mming skills.
Contact seller - Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5 (Learning Php, Mysql, Javascript, Css & Html5) O Reilly Media The fully revised, updated and extended 4th edition of the hugely popular web development book - includes CSS, HTML5, jQuery and the mysqli extension.
Build interactive, data-driven websites with the potent combination of open-source technologies and web standards, even if you only have basic HTML knowledge. With this popular hands-on guide, you'll tackle dynamic web programming with the help of today's core technologies: PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, and HTML5.
Explore each technology separately, learn how to use them together, and pick up valuable web programming practices along the way. At the end of the book, you'll put everything together to build a fully functional social networking site, using XAMPP or any development stack of your choice.
- Learn PHP in-depth, along w ith the basics of object-oriented programming
- Explore MySQL, from database structure to complex queries
- Use the mysqli Extension, PHP's improved MySQL interface
- Create dynamic PHP web pages that tailor themselves to the user
- Manage cookies and sessions, and maintain a high level of security
- Master the JavaScript language--and enhance it with jQuery
- Use Ajax calls for background browser/server communication
- Acquire CSS2 & CSS3 skills for professionally styling your web pages
- Implement all the new HTML5 features, including geolocation, audio, video, and the canvas
Contact seller - PHP For Beginners 2019: complete step-by-step guide PHP For Beginners 2019: Complete Step By Step GuidePHP is the most popular opensource Web scripting language, in the friendly, easy-to-understand For Dummies stylePHP is installed on nearly nine million servers, and usage hasgrown at the rate of 6.5 percent per month for the past two years PHP is easy to learn, well suited for Web development, and can be embedded with HTML in this book we will learn complete PHP beginner to advance the are 25 chapter with 100+ screen shorts to make you a professional web developer in PHPcontent that book offers you •1) PHP Introduction•2) XAMPP and Netbeans•3) Data types,Var & Oper•4) Comments, Include & Require•5) Arrays•6) Control structures•7) PHP Loop•8) PHP strings•9) Functions•10) PHP forms handling•11) Cookies & sessions•12) PHP file processing•13) Error handling & exception•14) Regular expression•15) PHP mail•16) Mysql php & access methods•17) Object oriented programming•18) PHP date functions•19) PHP security•20) PHP and xml•21) Case study opinion poll app•22) PHP AJAX•23) PHP MVC framework•24) PHP vs JavaScript•25) PHP Interview Q & A
Contact seller - JavaScript: Basic Fundamental Guide for Beginners So, you want to learn JavaScript. It makes sense - it's an extremely popular language that's used in most web applications. JavaScript is one of the best possible things you can learn in the age of the modern internet, and you're inevitably going to end up using the knowledge constantly.
So what's the best way to get that knowledge? There are a lot of books about it. The problem with that is that a lot of books just waste your time. They either under explain things or they hold your hand far too much for you to really get anything. This book aims to break that paradigm.
Over the course of this book, you're going to learn what JavaScript is, the popular JavaScript programming paradigms, and the best way s to work with it. Don't waste your time trying to learn from a book that doesn't have a learner in mind. Pick up this book and start your foray into this fantastic and open-ended language today.
Contact seller - Computer Programming for Beginners: Fundamentals of Programming Terms and Concepts
★★ Get the Kindle version FREE when purchasing the Paperback! ★★
Every Conceivable Topic a Complete Novice Needs To Know
If you are a newcomer to programming it's easy to get lost in the technical jargon, before even getting to the language you want to learn.
- What are statements, operators, and functions?
- How to structure, build and deploy a program?
- What is functional programming and object oriented programming?
- How to store, manage and exchange data?
These are topics many programming guides don't cover, as they are assumed to be general knowledge to most developers. That is why this guide has been created. It is the ultimate primer to all programming languages.
What This Book Offers
Zero Knowledge Required
This guide has specifically been created for someone who is completely new to programming. We cover all the concepts, terms, programming paradigms and coding techniques that every beginner should know.
A Solid Foundation
This guide will form the foundation for all future programming languages you may encounter. It doesn't focus on merely one specific language, but rather the principles that apply to all programming languages.
Detailed Descriptions & Code Samples
Emphasis has been placed on beginner-friendly descriptions, supported by working code samples from the most popular languages, such as C#, Java and Python, to help illustrate concepts and terms.
Key Topics
- What Is a Programming Language?
- Why Do We Need a Programming Language?
- The History of Programming Languages
- Popular Programming Languages
- Understanding the Structure of a Program
- What Are the Different Types of Programs?
- How Is a Program Built?
- How Is a Program Executed?
- What Are Program Statements?
- What Are Data Types?
What Are Variables?
- What Are Operators?
- Working with Numbers
- The Importance of Strings
- Making Decisions in Programs
- Iterative Programming
- Logical Grouping of Code
- What Are Functions?
- Taking Input
- Sending Output
- What Is Functional Programming?
- What Is Object Oriented Programming?
- What Are Client Server Applications?
- What Is Web Programming?
- Managing Data in a Program
- Storing Data in Files
- Storing Data in Databases
- Data Exchange Formats
- Error Handling
- Logging in Programs
- Logical Grouping of Programs
- Deploying Programs
- Programming for the Internet
- Serverless Programming
- Programming for Mobile Device s
- Design Practices
Learn Programming the Easy Way, Get Your Copy Today!
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Learn more than just what you should type in your favorite text editor. The book will teach you the fundamentals so that when you get down to coding your favorite PHP application, there's no second-guessing. You will learn PHP in a way which most experienced PHP coders never do. Challenge your PHP coding skills and allow your confidence level to rise to new heights.
This PHP: Basic Fundamental Guide for Beginners is a fast-paced book perfect for PHP beginners who want to master the art of writing quality PHP code. Have a close look at the loops, decisions, functions, and a whole lot more. You will also discover the basic synt ax that's applied when writing PHP applications. Are you curious to learn how PHP works? Fortunately, this book is designed for beginners like you.
The book starts off with basic syntax and the 'Hello World' program. If you want a book which will guide you so you can how to code, when, what, and why you need to code, then PHP: Basic Fundamental Guide for beginners is the perfect book for you. With the help of this book, you are going to learn:
•How you can set up your PHP environment to create your first PHP program
•How you can easily input PHP values for web users
•Learn more about operators, expressions, arrays, and the variables in PHP
•Discover the power of conditional statements
•Discover how to insert, delete, and update data in a database
•Learn how to secure your passwords in PHP
•How to build a complete member registration system
This book is right for you if you are just new to PHP and you want to get started on coding with it. Do you want to learn how to build your first PHP web application? PHP: Basic Fundamental Guide for Beginners has everything you have been looking for. Grab your copy today, so you can finally polish your PHP programming skills.

The Ultimate Crash Course to Learning C++ (from basics to advanced)
If you have been looking for a new and easy way to learn C++ look no further. This book will teach you the basics about C++ and how to get started as well as more advanced issues. This tutorial is suitable for users with no experience or basic knowledge of general programming. This book is not only for individuals wanting to learn the basics of C++. If you are a programmer or looking to get into programming, you are probably wondering what C++11 and C++ 14 have to offer. You're probably wondering about their major differences and ultimately what it can do to help you code more effectively. This book is here to provide that information.
Here is a preview of what you'll learn:
- How to structure a C++ program
- How to create basic I/O programs
- Programs to use when programming on C++ in different operating systems
- How to work with arrays
- How to use functions
- How C++ works with Object Oriented Programming
- How C++ works with Object Oriented Programming
- Multithreading support
- Generic programming support
- Uniform initialization
- Performance
- C++ Standard Library
Download your copy of "C++" by scrolling up and clicking "Buy Now With 1-Click" button.
Tags:C++, The Ultimate Crash Course, Effective Modern С++, C++ 11, C++ 14,Learning the Basics of C++, С programming, C++ in easy steps, C++ programming, Start coding, C++ programming language, HTML, Javascript, Programming, Developers, Coding, CSS, Java, C++, Javascript, PHP, Python, Sql, Swift, C++, Programming for Beginners, c primer plus, C Programming for Beginners, hackers, hacking, how to hack, hacking exposed, hacking system, hacking 101, hacking for dummies, Hacking Guide, Hacking Essentials, Computer Bugs, Se curity Breach, internet skills, hacking techniques, computer hacking, hacking the system, web hacking, hack attack.

Welcome Future Coder! Are You Ready To Learn And Start Programming With PHP In 2 Hours?
PHP or PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is a programming language, which was designed with the objective to allow creation of dynamic content. Moreover, PHP also enables this dynamic content to interact with databases. As a result, the most intuitive application of PHP is for development of web-based software applications. This book is an introductory tutorial to help you learn PHP from scratch and build the right foundation for advanced lessons in this programming language. This book includes several sample codes, which have been provided to give you the real-world programming experience. Go ahead and execute these codes for a better learning experience. Besides this, you may also try variations of code because the best way to learn a programming language is by writing programs in it. We wish you a fruitful experience. Happy Coding! Learn, practice, and enjoy your new acquired skills!Her e Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn…
- Overview
- Basic Syntax
- Variables
- Operators
- Decision making
- Loops
- Much, much more!

Are you looking forward to learning computer programming? No matter your skill level, this powerful blueprint six books in one will get the ball rolling to help you begin and start up with this basic fundamental guide for beginners.
SWIFT is designed to help new starters learn Swift programming and build a strong foundation in fundamentals of using Swift. In this book, you will get a practical experience of how to code in Swift language, techniques, tools, and concepts to help you obtain the basic skills Swift.
PHP is a fast-paced book perfect for PHP beginners who want to master the art of writing quality PHP code. Have a close look at the loops, decisions, functions, and a whole lot more. You will also discover the basic syntax that's applied when writing PHP applications. Are you curious to learn how PHP works? Fortunately, this book is designed for beginners like you.
JA VA: You will develop knowledge about object-oriented programming, data types, and how to use control statements in Java. You will learn more than what you need to code in Java.
JAVASCRIPT: It's an extremely popular language that's used in most web applications. JavaScript is one of the best possible things you can learn in the age of the modern Internet, and you're inevitably going to end up using the knowledge constantly.
HTML: Using the Internet would be a vastly different experience, so it's no wonder that so many people opt to learn the markup language. Whether you decide to explore HTML as a hobby or for use in a more professional setting, you'll soon gain a deep appreciation for the language and its applications.
CSS: Whether you're exploring CSS to complement a hobby or to advance your career, this book will allow you to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for its applications.
So buy this audiobook today, so you can finally polish your progra mming skills.

Build interactive, data-driven websites with the potent combination of open-source technologies and web standards, even if you only have basic HTML knowledge. With this popular hands-on guide, you'll tackle dynamic web programming with the help of today's core technologies: PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, and HTML5.
Explore each technology separately, learn how to use them together, and pick up valuable web programming practices along the way. At the end of the book, you'll put everything together to build a fully functional social networking site, using XAMPP or any development stack of your choice.
- Learn PHP in-depth, along w ith the basics of object-oriented programming
- Explore MySQL, from database structure to complex queries
- Use the mysqli Extension, PHP's improved MySQL interface
- Create dynamic PHP web pages that tailor themselves to the user
- Manage cookies and sessions, and maintain a high level of security
- Master the JavaScript language--and enhance it with jQuery
- Use Ajax calls for background browser/server communication
- Acquire CSS2 & CSS3 skills for professionally styling your web pages
- Implement all the new HTML5 features, including geolocation, audio, video, and the canvas

So what's the best way to get that knowledge? There are a lot of books about it. The problem with that is that a lot of books just waste your time. They either under explain things or they hold your hand far too much for you to really get anything. This book aims to break that paradigm.
Over the course of this book, you're going to learn what JavaScript is, the popular JavaScript programming paradigms, and the best way s to work with it. Don't waste your time trying to learn from a book that doesn't have a learner in mind. Pick up this book and start your foray into this fantastic and open-ended language today.

★★ Get the Kindle version FREE when purchasing the Paperback! ★★
Every Conceivable Topic a Complete Novice Needs To Know
If you are a newcomer to programming it's easy to get lost in the technical jargon, before even getting to the language you want to learn.
- What are statements, operators, and functions?
- How to structure, build and deploy a program?
- What is functional programming and object oriented programming?
- How to store, manage and exchange data?
What This Book Offers
Zero Knowledge Required
This guide has specifically been created for someone who is completely new to programming. We cover all the concepts, terms, programming paradigms and coding techniques that every beginner should know.
A Solid Foundation
This guide will form the foundation for all future programming languages you may encounter. It doesn't focus on merely one specific language, but rather the principles that apply to all programming languages.
Detailed Descriptions & Code Samples
Emphasis has been placed on beginner-friendly descriptions, supported by working code samples from the most popular languages, such as C#, Java and Python, to help illustrate concepts and terms.
Key Topics
- What Is a Programming Language?
- Why Do We Need a Programming Language?
- The History of Programming Languages
- Popular Programming Languages
- Understanding the Structure of a Program
- What Are the Different Types of Programs?
- How Is a Program Built?
- How Is a Program Executed?
- What Are Program Statements?
- What Are Data Types?
Learn Programming the Easy Way, Get Your Copy Today!

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