✌ Examining 'php beginner ' the best product ✔ PHP: Learn PHP In 2 Hours And Start Prog .. ✔ today 26 Jun 2019

Mike Amazon Reply June 25, 2019

PHP: Learn PHP In 2 Hours And Start Programming Today! 2019

There are also other versions that may interest you
  • The Joy of PHP: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Interactive Web Applications with PHP and mySQL 2019
  • PHP for Beginners: Your Guide to Easily Learn PHP In 7 Days 2019
  • Programming for Beginners: 6 Books in 1 - Swift+PHP+Java+Javascript+Html+CSS: Basic Fundamental Guide for Beginners 2019
  • PHP: Learn PHP In 2 Hours And Start Programming Today! 2019
  • PHP For Beginners 2019: complete step-by-step guide 2019
  • PHP: Basic Fundamental Guide for Beginners 2019
  • PHP for Absolute Beginners 2019
  • PHP: PHP for Beginners. Learn PHP 7 Programming, 2019 Edition. 2019
  • PHP MYSQL In 8 Hours, For Beginners, Learn Coding Fast! 2019

  1. The Joy of PHP: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Interactive Web Applications with PHP and mySQL Third Edition now with bonus chapters. Have you ever wanted to design your own website or browser application but thought it would be too difficult or just didn't know where to start? Have you found the amount of information on the Internet either too daunting or not geared for your skill set or worse-- just plain boring? Are you interested in learning to program PHP and have some fun along the way? If so, then The Joy of PHP by Alan Forbes is the book for you!! Alan starts with some basic HTML so the absolute beginner can catch up quickly and then goes step by step on how PHP works. You start with the easy stuff--like how to create and run simple PHP scripts that modify web pages-- and then build on what you've learned through a series of cohesive (and fun) exercises that carry over from lesson to lesson. As the chapters progress you begin to build a web site for a growing used car dealership business. This approach keeps the material fun and challenging-- and gives what you've lear ned a context to be relevant. A car dealership needs a constantly changing web site because the inventory of cars is always changing. HTML is not the answer for this kind of web site-- but PHP and mySQL are! Throughout the book you will be working with the web site for the car dealership and adding features and modifying it as the needs of the business (and your knowledge) grow. This writing style reinforces the previous lessons and keeps you engaged in a "real" project -- giving you both a sense of accomplishment and an opportunity to apply what you've learned to a realistic scenario. You are far more likely to retain what you've learned using this approach than just reading dry syntax documentation. The author has an easy and fun style of writing that teaches you PHP in a simple, matter of fact manner while showing you the most common uses of the commands you need to get the job done. This keeps your learning pace quick and uncluttered. If you need it, he also points you to severa l resources where you can learn more about the other options a PHP function can offer and-- even better--how to read and understand those resources. If you want to learn the PHP language in an easy, enjoyable, well laid out manner and to learn why PHP and mySQL are so powerful and fun to use then buy this book!! Do not buy this book if you are looking for a comprehensive reference of boring PHP syntax. This book does not attempt to cover everything about PHP. What it does do-- and does well-- is take you from being a beginner who isn't even sure what PHP is to someone who knows the sheer joy that only programming dynamic sites can provide. You will become someone who can read, write, and modify PHP scripts and you will be able make your website come alive. Bonus Code All the source code referenced in the book is available for easy download and well organized. You don't have to cut and paste out of Kindle or retype code, unless you want to. There is even a video tutorial showing how to get started. Topics Covered... - Installing and configuring PHP - Introduction to HTML - Basic PHP Syntax - Some Fun Right Away - Editors and Staying Organized - Variables, Numbers, Dates and Strings - Control Structures - How to use a database, such as mySQL - Using PHP and mySQL Together - How to create forms to Display, Add, Edit, and Delete data - Session Variables - Working with Images - PHP File Uploads - PHP Quirks and Tips - Security Considerations This book is NOT the only book you'll ever need to read to master PHP. The book is a gentle introduction to a very rich topic. The hope of the author is to show you that PHP isn't really that scary after all, it is something YOU can do, and it can even bring you joy once you get it. The Joy of PHP: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Interactive Web Applications with PHP and mySQL Contact seller
  2. PHP for Beginners: Your Guide to Easily Learn PHP In 7 Days

    Are You Ready To Learn PHP Easily?

    This book contains the steps, strategies, and concepts you need to learn PHP – an extremely popular scripting language designed primarily for web development. This training material was conceptualized and developed to help beginners of diverse backgrounds to master the powerful features of PHP and effectively learn the skills they need to launch their own PHP website in as fast as one day.

    Web development enthusiasts, absolute beginners, and self-learners will find this book a practical, enjoyable, and reliable resource for learning the hottest and most efficient server side scripting language which is a general purpose programming language at the same time. Whether you want to launch a lucrative career in web development or you simply want to put up your own interactive website, this training offers a straightforward, fast, and inexpensive way to start.

    This visual-aided instructional book provides a th orough step-by-step guide to help you optimize the available tools and connectivity features. It presents the precise steps from the beginning to the end goal of launching your very own website the PHP way.

    PHP is widely known for its simplicity, security, efficiency, familiarity, and flexibility which make it a must-learn language for web developers and website owners. PHP is used to handle forms, set cookies and access cookies variables, restrict users' access to specific areas in your web pages, and encrypt data. You can use it to add, delete, or edit, and manage database elements in your website. It can perform system function such as creating, opening, reading, writing, and closing system files. It is used to develop GUI applications.

    The book "PHP for Beginners: Your Guide To Easily Learn PHP Programming in 7 Days" provides a comprehensive and practical training to help you optimize the many useful features of this easy-to-learn scripting language .
    Before you can begin to study PHP, you have to set up the environment for developing programs and writing scripts in PHP. The book offers a step-by-step guide to help you prepare your computer for PHP. You can use this environment for developing, testing, and eventually, launching your own website. This set up comes at no additional cost because it uses open source applications that are as powerful and as popular as their commercial counterparts.
    The book will help you acquire the skills you will need to fully utilize PHP's capabilities and built-in features. It provides the ultimate resources you need to build interactive web pages with dynamic content using clear and tested examples.
    This resource material provides both basic and advanced training in PHP programming.
    You will learn the essential information you need to be an efficient and effective PHP programmer. It discusses PHP syntax and coding standards at length to help you avoid the common and of ten costly mistakes that beginners make.

    Here Is What You'll Learn After Downloading This PHP Book:

    ✓ Introduction
    Chapter 2: PHP sythax
    />Chapter 3: variables and data types
    Chapter 4: constants
    />Chapter 5: displaying output
    Chapter 6: operators
    />Chapter 7: PHP coding standards
    Chapter 8: decision making
    />Chapter 9: loop control
    Chapter 10: arrays
    />Chapter 11: strings
    Chapter 12: predefined variables
    Vhapter 13: sending data to the server
    Chapter 14: including and evaluating files
    />Chapter 15: files and directories
    Chapter 16: uploading files to server
    />Chapter 17: PHP file download
    Chapter 18: PHP cookies
    />Chapter 19: PHP sessions
    Chapter 20: sending emails
    />Chapter 21: PHP form handling
    Chapter 22: PHP form validation
    />Chapter 23: error handling
    Chapter 24: debbuging
    />Chapter 25: object oriented programming
    Chapter 26: date and time
    />Chapter 27: PHP MYSQL
    PHP for Beginners: Your Guide to Easily Learn PHP In 7 Days Contact seller
  3. Programming for Beginners: 6 Books in 1 - Swift+PHP+Java+Javascript+Html+CSS: Basic Fundamental Guide for Beginners

    Are you looking forward to learning Computer Programming? No matter your skill level, this powerful blueprint 6 Books in 1 will get the ball rolling to help you begin and start up with "Basic Fundamental Guide for Beginners"

    SWIFT is designed to help new starters to Swift programming build a strong foundation in fundamentals of using Swift. In this book, you will get a practical experience of how to code in Swift language, techniques, tools and concepts to help you obtain the basic skills Swift.

    PHP is a fast-paced book perfect for PHP beginners who want to master the art of writing quality PHP code. Have a close look at the loops, decisions, functions, and a whole lot more. You will also discover the basic syntax that's applied when writing PHP applications. Are you curious to learn how PHP works? Fortunately, this book is designed for beginners like you.

    JAVA:you will develop knowledge about object-oriented programming, data types, and how t o use control statements in Java. You will learn more than what you need to code in Java.

    JAVASCRIPT it's an extremely popular language that's used in most web applications. JavaScript is one of the best possible things you can learn in the age of the modern internet, and you're inevitably going to end up using the knowledge constantly.

    HTML: Using the internet would be a vastly different experience, so it's no wonder that so many people opt to learn the markup language. Whether you decide to explore HTML as a hobby or for use in a more professional setting, you'll soon gain a deep appreciation for the language and its applications.

    CSS: Whether you're exploring CSS to complement a hobby or to further your career, this book will allow you to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for its applications.

    So pick up and grab your copy today, so you can finally polish your programming skills.

    Programming for Beginners: 6 Books in 1 - Swift+PHP+Java+Javascript+Html+CSS: Basic Fundamental Guide for Beginners Contact seller
  4. PHP: Learn PHP In 2 Hours And Start Programming Today!

    Welcome Future Coder! Are You Ready To Learn And Start Programming With PHP In 2 Hours?

    PHP or PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is a programming language, which was designed with the objective to allow creation of dynamic content. Moreover, PHP also enables this dynamic content to interact with databases. As a result, the most intuitive application of PHP is for development of web-based software applications. This book is an introductory tutorial to help you learn PHP from scratch and build the right foundation for advanced lessons in this programming language.

    This book includes several sample codes, which have been provided to give you the real-world programming experience. Go ahead and execute these codes for a better learning experience. Besides this, you may also try variations of code because the best way to learn a programming language is by writing programs in it. W e wish you a fruitful experience. Happy Coding!

    Learn, practice, and enjoy your new acquired skills!

    Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn…

    • Overview
    • Basic Syntax
    • Variables
    • Operators
    • Decision making
    • Loops
    • Much, much more!

    Download your copy today PHP: Learn PHP In 2 Hours And Start Programming Today! Contact seller
  5. PHP For Beginners 2019: complete step-by-step guide PHP For Beginners 2019: Complete Step By Step GuidePHP is the most popular opensource Web scripting language, in the friendly, easy-to-understand For Dummies stylePHP is installed on nearly nine million servers, and usage hasgrown at the rate of 6.5 percent per month for the past two years PHP is easy to learn, well suited for Web development, and can be embedded with HTML in this book we will learn complete PHP beginner to advance the are 25 chapter with 100+ screen shorts to make you a professional web developer in PHPcontent that book offers you •1) PHP Introduction•2) XAMPP and Netbeans•3) Data types,Var & Oper•4) Comments, Include & Require•5) Arrays•6) Control structures•7) PHP Loop•8) PHP strings•9) Functions•10) PHP forms handling•11) Cookies & sessions•12) PHP file processing•13) Error handling & exception•14) Regular expression•15) PHP mail� ��16) Mysql php & access methods•17) Object oriented programming•18) PHP date functions•19) PHP security•20) PHP and xml•21) Case study opinion poll app•22) PHP AJAX•23) PHP MVC framework•24) PHP vs JavaScript•25) PHP Interview Q & A PHP For Beginners 2019: complete step-by-step guide Contact seller
  6. PHP: Basic Fundamental Guide for Beginners Are you new to PHP? Maybe you want to learn more about PHP programming, but you don't know where to start? Regardless of your skill level, this book will provide you with the right foundation so you can start building dynamic and interactive websites yourself. Not only that, but this book will also help enhance your PHP coding skills.

    Learn more than just what you should type in your favorite text editor. The book will teach you the fundamentals so that when you get down to coding your favorite PHP application, there's no second-guessing. You will learn PHP in a way which most experienced PHP coders never do. Challenge your PHP coding skills and allow your confidence level to rise to new heights. />
    This PHP: Basic Fundamental Guide for Beginners is a fast-paced book perfect for PHP beginners who want to master the art of writing quality PHP code. Have a close look at the loops, decisions, functions, and a whole lot more. You will also discover the basic syntax that's applied when writing PHP applications. Are you curious to learn how PHP works? Fortunately, this book is designed for beginners like you.

    The book starts off with basic syntax and the 'Hello World' program. If you want a book which will guide you so you can how to code, when, what, and why you need to code, then PHP: Basic Fundamental Guide for beginners is the perfect book for you. With the help of this book, you are going to learn:

    •How you can set up your PHP environment to create your first PHP program

    •How you can easily input PHP values for web users
    •Learn more about operators, expressions, arrays, and the variables in PHP
    •Discover the power of conditional statements
    •Discover how to insert, delete, and update data in a database
    •Learn how to secure your passwords in PHP
    •How to build a comple te member registration system
    This book is right for you if you are just new to PHP and you want to get started on coding with it. Do you want to learn how to build your first PHP web application? PHP: Basic Fundamental Guide for Beginners has everything you have been looking for. Grab your copy today, so you can finally polish your PHP programming skills.

    PHP: Basic Fundamental Guide for Beginners Contact seller
  7. PHP for Absolute Beginners Apress

    PHP is a server-side scripting language that enables you to develop dynamic sites that engage users in ways that are simply not possible using only HTML and CSS. PHP for Absolute Beginners takes a practical approach to teaching you how to build dynamic content for your website using PHP. You'll quickly get started with practical PHP projects, learning how to build a dynamic image gallery. By the end of the book you'll will have developed a personal blog complete with a password protected admin module.

    PHP for Absolute Beginners won't swamp you with every detail of the full PHP language up front – instead, you'll be introduced to a small, versatile subset of PHP and learn to use it creatively to develop dynamic web sites. In the process you will learn to use variables, control structures, functions, and objects to your advantage. You will learn how to plan and c reate databases and how to organize your PHP scripts beautifully. At the end of the book, you will be a confident PHP user, ready to take the next steps in creating great websites.

    PHP for Absolute Beginners Contact seller
  8. PHP: PHP for Beginners. Learn PHP 7 Programming, 2019 Edition.

    PHP For Beginners

    PHP or PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is a programming language, which was designed with the objective to allow creation of dynamic content. Moreover, PHP also enables this dynamic content to interact with databases. As a result, the most intuitive application of PHP is for development of web-based software applications. This book is an introductory tutorial to help you learn PHP from scratch and build the right foundation for advanced lessons in this programming language.

    This book includes several sample codes, which have been provided to give you the real-world programming experience. Go ahead and execute these codes for a better learning experience. Besides this, you may also try variations of code because the best way to learn a programming language is by writing programs in it. We wish you a fruitful experience. Happy Coding!

    Learn, practice, and enjoy your new acquired skills!

    Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn� ��

    •Basic Syntax
    •Decision making
    •Much, much more!

    Download your PHP copy today />

    PHP, PHP tutorial, PHP book, learning PHP, PHP programming language, PHP coding, PHP programming for beginners, PHP for Dummies, PHP 7, PHP Guide.
    PHP: PHP for Beginners. Learn PHP 7 Programming, 2019 Edition. Contact seller
  9. PHP MYSQL In 8 Hours, For Beginners, Learn Coding Fast! About This Book
    This Book Absolutely for Beginners:
    "PHP MySQL in 8 Hours" covers all essential PHP and MySQL knowledge. You can learn complete primary skills of PHP and MySQL fast and easily.  The book includes more than 80 practical examples for beginners and includes tests & answers for the college exam, the engineer certification exam, and the job interview exam.
    Source Code for Download:
    This book provides source code for download; you can download the source code for better study, or copy the source code to your favorite editor to test the programs.
    Download link:   forms.aweber.com/form/50/1828597050.htm
    Table of Contents
    />Hour 1  Start PHP

    />Hour 2  PHP Basic

    />Hour 3  Use Array

    />Hour 4  Form Basic

    />Hour 5  Dynamic Data

    />Hour 6  Class & Object

    />Hour 7  MySQL Basic

    />Hour 8  MySQL & PHP

     Appendix 1  PHP & MySQL Security Hands-On Projects
    Why Security Code?
    1:  Filter Malicious Password
    2:  Filter Malicious Characters
    3:  Filter Malicious Input
    4:  Limit Specified Input
    5:  Escape Output
    6:  Protect Database
    Appendix 2  PHP Tests & Answers
    This book includes PHP & MySQL Tests & Answers for an interview, a college exam, and engineer certification exam.
    Click the Buy button now, start coding today! 
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    PHP MYSQL In 8 Hours, For Beginners, Learn Coding Fast! Contact seller
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