☞ The best ➫ PHP Web Services: APIs for the Modern Web ➫ 2019
According to the experts this is the best PHP Web Services: APIs for the Modern Web 2019
There are also other versions PHP Web Services: APIs for the Modern Web that may interest you
- Building RESTful Web Services with PHP 7: Lumen, Composer, API testing, Microservices, and more 2019
- PHP: A Comprehensive Intermediate Guide To Learn The Concept of PHP Programming 2019
- Introduction to PHP Web Services: PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, SOAP, RESTful, JSON, XML, WSDL 2019
- RESTful PHP Web Services 2019
- PHP Web Services: APIs for the Modern Web 2019
- REST APIs: Learn By Coding 2019
- Getting MEAN with Mongo, Express, Angular, and Node 2019
- Symfony 3 : Développez des sites web PHP structurés et performants. Complément vidéo : Développez une API RESTful 2019
- Backbone.js Programming By Example 2019
- Building RESTful Web Services with PHP 7: Lumen, Composer, API testing, Microservices, and more
Key Features
- Leverage the Lumen framework to build RESTful API endpoints for your applications
- Understand how to increase efficiency and security of your web service.
- Learn to apply the concepts by implementing the examples covered in the book
Book Description
REST is the most wide spread and effective standard to develop APIs for internet services. With the way PHP and its eco-system has modernized the way code is written by simplifying various operations, it is useful to develop RESTful APIs with PHP 7 and modern tools.
This book explains in detail how to create your own RESTful API in PHP 7 that can be consumed by other users in your organization.
Starting with a brief introduction to the fundamentals of REST architecture and the new features in PHP 7, you will learn to implement basic RESTful API endpoints using vanilla PHP. The book explains how to identify flaws in security and design and teach you how to tackle th em. You will learn about composer, Lumen framework and how to make your RESTful API cleaner, secure and efficient. The book emphasizes on automated tests, teaches about different testing types and give a brief introduction to microservices which is the natural way forward.
After reading this book, you will have a clear understanding of the REST architecture and you can build a web service from scratch.
What you will learn
- Understand the REST API architecture and its benefits
- Write RESTful API web services in PHP 7
- Address security-elated issues in a REST API
- Leverage the importance of automated testing and write tests for API endpoints
- Identify security flaws in our current API endpoints and
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- PHP: A Comprehensive Intermediate Guide To Learn The Concept of PHP Programming For the last ten years, PHP has continued to evolve from just being a niche language used to power websites to an efficient tool that delivers an extensive functionality to businesses.
Whether you plan to launch your best career in web development or you just want to set up your personal interactive website to save yourself the costs of hiring a PHP developer, this intermediate book will help you learn fundamental concepts which you can apply in your development process. In this book, you will learn the popular strategies and concepts designed wholly for web development.
The PHP programming language together with the MYSQL database is the ultimate package to help you release your web application. Once you acquire the fundamental skills in PHP, you will be at a better ground to enhance your web application and embrace your users. Regardless of whether you are a mobile developer experienced in Java, learning PHP and MYSQL is important. And there is no better and easy way to build web services that can be consumed fast by mobile devices than in PHP.
PHP is a language popularly known for its efficiency, simplicity, flexibility, and security. Take your PHP skills to the next level with this handy and powerful intermediate book. This book provides you with a step-by-step learning process while discussing different topics in PHP.
The PHP code snippets provided in this book have been commented out to ensure that you understand each concept discussed. This book provides you with an advanced training in PHP programming in a very interactive way that you won't struggle to research any more information. This book will not only instill you with the essential information you need to be an efficient PHP programmer, but it will also empower you and give you the confidence to even read further. Inside, you will LEARN:
• How to use R estful APIs in PHP
• Create PHP graphics
• How to read, write, append, and delete files in PHP
• How you can prevent hackers from intruding your site
• Discuss PHP sessions and Cookies
• Advanced OOP-Classes, Methods, and objects
• And many more.
Don't wait! Grab your copy today and take your PHP programming skills to another level.
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- Introduction to PHP Web Services: PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, SOAP, RESTful, JSON, XML, WSDL This book covers latest topics including RESTful, RPC, SOAP, Microservices, Webhook, WSDL and more. I've provided working examples with code throughout the book. The code and examples are in PHP, JavaScript, JSON, XML, MySQL and WSDL. Each example has screen shot output so that you could match your output with the correct output I provide.
I chose PHP to write this book because PHP is ready to develop RESTful and SOAP webservices. PHP is platform independent and widely used in developing data-driven Websites.
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- RESTful PHP Web Services Used Book in Good Condition Learn the basic architectural concepts and step through examples of consuming and creating RESTful web services in PHP. This book targets PHP developers who want to build or make use of RESTful web services, or explore the options available to them in PHP. You will need to know the basics of PHP development, but no knowledge of REST is assumed, nor any knowledge of creating web services generally.
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- PHP Web Services: APIs for the Modern Web O REILLY
Whether you're sharing data between two internal systems or building an API so that users can access their data, this practical guide has everything you need to build APIs with PHP. Author Lorna Jane Mitchell provides lots of hands-on code samples, real-world examples, and advice based on her extensive experience to guide you through the process—from the underlying theory to methods for making your service robust.
You'll learn how to use this language to work with JSON, XML, and other web service technologies. This updated second edition includes new tools and features that reflect PHP updates and changes on the Web.
- Explore HTTP, from the request/response cycle to its verbs, headers, and cookies
- Work with and publish webhooks—user-defined HTTP callbacks
- Determine whether JSON or XML is the best data format for your application
- Get advice for working with RPC, SOAP, and RESTful services
- Use several tools and techniques for debugging HTTP web services
- Choose the service that works best for your application, and learn how to make it robust
- Document your API—and learn how to design it to handle errors
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- REST APIs: Learn By Coding If you're looking to build a REST API, this book can help you. In it, we walk you through building two API clients and three API servers. You'll code a basic API, an intermediate API, and finally a more complicated API.
You'll do this in the most popular PHP framework available today: Laravel. But it isn't necessary to know Laravel. You'll be able to follow along even if you aren't familiar with it. You can also take what you learn, and easily apply it to other languages and frameworks.
You will learn how to:
- design REST APIs
- make HTTP requests and responses
- return the proper HTTP codes
- install the Homestead virtual machine
- use Laravel's API routes, controllers, and resources
- protect your API with token-based security
- test your REST API with a Chrome extension
- and much, much more
The source code per chapter is available in a GitHub repository, so you can use that to save time as you learn how to build REST APIs.Contact seller
- Getting MEAN with Mongo, Express, Angular, and Node Manning Publications
Getting MEAN with Mongo, Express, Angular, and Node teaches readers how to develop web applications end-to-end using the MEAN stack. You'll systematically discover each technology in the MEAN stack as you build up an application one layer at a time, just as you'd do in a real project.Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
About the Technology
Traditional web dev stacks use a different programming language in every layer, resulting in a complex mashup of code and frameworks. Together, the MongoDB database, the Express and AngularJS frameworks, and Node.js constitute the MEAN stack—a powerful platform that uses only one language, top to bottom: JavaScript. Developers and businesses love it because it's scalable and cost-effective. End users love it because the apps created with it are fast and responsive. It's a win-win-win!
About the Book
Getting MEAN with Mongo, Express, Angular, and Node teaches you how to develop web applications using the MEAN stack. First, you'll create the skeleton of a static site in Express and Node, and then push it up to a live web server. Next, you'll add a MongoDB database and build an API before using Angular to handle data manipulation and application logic in the browser. Finally you'll add an authentication system to the application, using the whole stack. When you finish, you'll have all the skills you need to build a dynamic data-driven web application.
What's Inside
- Full-stack development using JavaScript
- Responsive web techniques
- Everything you need to get started with MEAN
- Best practices for efficiency and reusability
About the Reader
Readers should have some web development experience. This book is based on MongoD B 2, Express 4, Angular 1, and Node.js 4.
About the Author
Simon Holmes has been a full-stack developer since the late 1990s and runs Full Stack Training Ltd.
Table of Contents
- Introducing full-stack development
- Designing a MEAN stack architecture
- Creating and setting up a MEAN project
- Building a static site with Node and Express
- Building a data model with MongoDB and Mongoose
- Writing a REST API: Exposing the MongoDB database to the application
- Consuming a REST API: Using an API from inside Express
- Adding Angular components to an Express application
- Building a single-page application with Angular: Foundations
- Building an SPA with Angular: The next level
- Authentica ting users, managing sessions, and securing APIs
- Installing the stack
- Installing and preparing the supporting cast
- Dealing with all of the views
- Reintroducing JavaScript - available online only
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- Symfony 3 : Développez des sites web PHP structurés et performants. Complément vidéo : Développez une API RESTful Ce livre sur Symfony 3 s'adresse aux développeurs, chefs de projets, directeurs techniques, qui souhaitent, grâce à ce framework, structurer et organiser leurs développements PHP au sein d'un cadre de travail robuste et professionnel. La maîtrise de la programmation objet avec PHP est un prérequis indispensable pour tirer le meilleur parti de ces pages.
Le livre couvre les principaux composants de Symfony 3, considéré aujourd'hui comme le framework PHP de référence. Il fournit les connaissances de base qui permettent non seulement de créer un site web, mais également de comprendre et maîtriser son fonctionnement en détail. Un chapitre entier est par exemple consacré à l'architecture du framework.
Les sujets détaillés vont de l'installation de Symfony à la création de tests unitaires et fonctionnels. La gestion des formulaires, des interactions avec une base de données, des templates, de la journalisation ou même de la sécurité de l'app lication sont autant de thèmes exposés dans le livre.
Le temps de chargement des pages d'un site web étant un élément crucial, un chapitre délivre les techniques et astuces pour fortement améliorer les performances d'une application.
L'auteur a structuré les chapitres pour faciliter l'apprentissage de Symfony 3 et dévoile au fil des pages des conseils, bonnes pratiques et exemples détaillés.
Des éléments complémentaires sont en téléchargement sur le site www.editions-eni.fr.Contact seller
- Backbone.js Programming By Example This book is a practical guide to Backbone.js programming and provides how to integrate with several web technology such as HTML5, Bootstrap CSS, RequireJS, PHP, Node.js and Socket.io. It describes all the elements of the Backbone API and illustrates their use with code examples. The following is a list of highlight topics:
* Preparing development environment
* Model, View, and Collection
* Events and Model Validation
* Backbone View Templates and Data Binding with case study: Underscore.js, Handlebars, Mustache.js
* Backbone Router
* Interacting with Server: Backbone Sync
* Building Backbone mdular: Backbone.js, Handlebars, and RequireJS
* Case study 1: Building web application with Backbone.js, PHP RESTful and MySQL
* Case study 2: Building web application with Backbone.js, Node.js, Express RESTful, RequireJS and MongoDB
* Case study 3: Bu ilding web application with Backbone.js, Node.js, RequireJS, Express and Socket.ioContact seller
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