Web Coding Bible (18 Books in 1 -- HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, SQL, XML, SVG, Canvas, WebGL, Java Applet, ActionScript, htaccess, jQuery, WordPress, SEO and many more): An Accelerated Course 2019
Web Coding Bible (18 Books in 1 -- HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, SQL, XML, SVG, Canvas, WebGL, Java Applet, ActionScript, htaccess, jQuery, WordPress, SEO and many more): An Accelerated Course
Web Coding Bible 18 Books in 1 HTML CSS JavaScript PHP SQL XML Svg Canvas Webgl Java Applet ActionScript Htaccess Jquery Wordpress S
This special-sized book teaches all essential web technologies from A to Z. Skillfully written, extremely succinct, with a lot of tables, diagrams, examples and screen output, it touches the latest experimental technology in action. Covering some hardly documented 'tricks' beyond the basics, this book guarantees to transform an Internet newcomer to an accomplished web developer. For every web developer, it is a handy must-have.
As we know, various web technologies are interconnected and it is impossible to fully master one technology without knowing another. Traditionally, a serious web developer needs to rely on several books or sources when coding a website. This book represents an all-in-one solution. It presents to you a holistic view of all essential web technologies. It means spending less money and time in learning more.
The topics include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, AJAX, SQL, XML, XPath, XSD, XQuery, XSLT, SVG, Canvas, WebGL, Java Applet, Flash ActionScript, Red5, Firebase, WebRTC, htaccess, mod rewrite, jQuery, cURL, WordPress, SEO etc.
Please visit the following website for detailed information about the book: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Chong_Lip_Phang_Web_Coding_Bible_HTML_CSS_Javascri?id=5hhbBgAAQBAJ

Another product that competes with the previous one is this THE PHP BIBLE with over 4,500 PHP Functions inside: The PHP Function Name, Description, Return and Argument all in one place
Inside this book you will find over 4500 PHP Functions all set out in alphabetical order, with chapters for every letter of the alphabet. If you are a PHP coder of any level this book will be the best and handiest tool in your arsenal.
Also for buying this Book or Ebook I will give you a special bonus where you get access to every single function in the book via an auto complete tool which I have built and password protected for my customers only.
All PHP Functions are set out as follows:
Name: file_exists
Description: file_exists Checks whether a file or directory exists
Returns: bool
Argument: string filename
Name: file_get_contents
Description: file_get_contents Reads entire file into a string
Returns: string
Argument: string filename [, bool use_include_path [, resource context [, int offset [, int maxlen]]]]
Name: file_put_contents
Description: file_put_contents Write a string to a fil e
Returns: int
Argument: string filename, mixed data [, int flags [, resource context]]
Name: fileatime
Description: fileatime Gets last access time of file
Returns: int
Argument: string filename
Name: filectime
Description: filectime Gets inode change time of file
Returns: int
Argument: string filename
This book will help you find functions you forgot existed or perhaps never knew existed at all.

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