Pinewood Pro Dry Graphite Lube with Moly Additive for Derby Car Axles 2019
Pinewood Pro Dry Graphite Lube with Moly Additive for Derby Car Axles
Custom blend of dry powdered graphite with molybdenum disulfide added for maximum speed Pinewood Pro's dry powdered PRO Graphite is a special blend of ultra-fine graphite with sub-micron molybdenum disulfide (also known as "moly") additive to give you the best graphite blend that minimizes friction on derby car axles and CO2 powered Dragster axles making your car speed to the finish line.
According to Pinewood Pro's track tests (, lubricating your axles with graphite is the single most important way to increase your car speed. - PRO Graphite has been a proven race winner for over 15 years!
PRO Graphite can also be used in a multitude of applications from loosening locks and squeaky hinges to reducing friction on any mechanical device.

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